
Michael Duch
experimental composition, Experimental music, free jazz, free improvisation, spatialisation, double bass, contemporary music
Paula Kramer
contemporary outdoor movement practice, performance, landscape, daily life, resonance, environment
William Platz
drawing, drawing research, performance, life drawing, artist's model, portraiture
Josué Moreno Prieto
urban sonic space, generative art, Algorithmic Composition, urban space, Urban Acoustics, Intermedia, SITE-SPECIFIC ART
Livia Daza-Paris
haptic spatiality, Cold War-era, Attunement, forensis, Decolonizing methodologies, Skinner Releasing, The Political Disappeared, Poetic Testimony, more-than-human, Indigenous ways of knowing, Skinner Releasing Technique SRT, Poesis
Evi Jägle
Deleuze, art, post-structuralism, film-philosophy, performance philosophy, Foucault, philosophy as art, Philosophy On Stage
Veerle Van der Sluys
interaction design, interplay design&science, interplay design&technology
Nayeli Vazquez Bertely
choreography and performance, dance, choreographic thinking, Dance education, embodiment
Jean Penny
flute and electronics, electroacoustic music, performance, composition, musicology, artistic research
Zheng Kuo
Social science, philosophy, psychology, dance
Safa Tharib
emergent storytelling, 3D, narratology, digital arts
Adolfo Ruiz
Design research, indigenous knowledge, practice-based research, animation, community based art work, participatory design
Polly Hember
modernism, twentieth century, visual culture, modernity, technology, cinema, modernist poetry, affect, pedagogy, queer theory, networks
Ryan Mason
choreography and performance, Choreographic Research, choreographic thinking
Jonathan LARCHER
Visual Anthropology, media archeology, Sound, archives