
Vahri McKenzie
Theories and practices of contemporary performing arts, Artistic research design and methodologies, Theories and practices of writing, Artistic responses to science and technology, Improvisation, collaboration and embodiment in creativity
Sage Canellis
Trauma; Memory;, transgenerationality, ancestor, Shamanism, healing, artwork, collage, Photographic Re-narration
Thomas Ballhausen
text, Literature, Film studies, textualism, science fiction, philosophy
Dora Isleifsdottir
Metadesign, Metamodernism, Design research, Design, Semiotics of type, typography, Branding, visual communication, visual language, asemic writing, design thinking, editorial design, book-making, visual identity, visual intelligence, publishing
Rebecca Najdowski
New Materialism, New media, PHOTOGRAPHY, Video art, posthumanism, landscape
Hermans Carolien
play;, dance improvisation, enactive cognition, participatory-sense making, affects, touch, transformation, inter corporality
Pedro Alegria
algorithms, Algorithmic Art, stochastic, epistemology
Helen Roberts
historically informed performance, musicology, Music pedagogy, digital and personal technologies
Erlend Stenersen Sæth
ntnu, interaction design
Elina Akselrud
music, interpretation, interpretation analysis, collaboration, multidisciplinary, performance, performing arts, multidisciplinary art, Crossover, crossdisiplinary, cross-disciplinary, cross-genre, musical expression
Yuya Takeda
media Literacy, philosophy of education, discourse studies, conspiracy theories
Joanna Warsza
Public sphere, politics, activism, performativity, curatorial, feminism, politics of memory, Eastern Europe
Dániel Máté
home, design, ideology, Semiotics, nationalism, modernity
Ryan Mason
choreography and performance, Choreographic Research, choreographic thinking
Estefanía Díaz Ramos
Soundart, Audiovisual, Cultural Studies, Sociology, creative writing, communication, community based art work
Deniz Fehmi Demirezen-Smit
artistic research, fashion design, fashion practice research, fashion creativity
Helena Persson
sound art, sound art installations, site specific artwork, spatial art, sound composition, listening