
Gustav Kvaal
illustration, illustration techniques, animation, editorial design, virtual reality
Arja Anneli Kastinen
19th century Karelian kantele improvisation, creativity process, Music Education, acoustics, spectrum analysis
Louise Crnkovic-Friis
neurodiversity, artistic research, AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Jacek Smolicki
field recording, soundwalking, para-archiving, soundscape, mapping, experimental cartography, personal archiving, acoustic ecology, psychogeography
Fulya Uçanok
Response-able sounding practices with humans and more-than-humans, practices of material agency with instruments, accessibility without popularization, spaces of heterogeneous multivalences, and mechanisms of mediation, within the medium of electroacoustic music aesthetics, composition and performance practices.
Sílvia Simões
artwork, art practice, drawing
Karen Werner
radio art, transmission, installation, performance, socially engaged art, relationality, interference
Yamil Hasbun Chavarría
Actor network theory, governmentality, Design research, materiality, material ontology, Semiotics, material semiotics
Martin Lang
Painting, post-truth, art and politics, Ethical Criticism of Art, Investigative art, Philosophy of Art, aesthetics
Kimey Peckpo
aesthetic ontology, performative materiality
Ryan Mason
choreography and performance, Choreographic Research, choreographic thinking
Nina Goedegebure
art, science and art
Rut Karin Zettergren
collective research in arts, technofeminism, cyberfeminism, future, speculative fiction, military heritage of technology, repurposing technology, reimagining