
Tove Dahlberg
opera performance, gender, agency, performance norms
Richard Meeuws
art, artwork, art theory, art education, Metamodernism
Per Roar
Choreography, Performance studies, Trauma studies, Memory, Autoetnography, Composition, Fieldwork, Politics of representation, Artistic research
James Wood
Literature, music, aesthetics, postcolonialism, Decolonizing methodologies, phenomenlogy
Carlo Diaz
composition, arranging, curating, historiography, Early Music, New Music, Historically-Informed Performance
Merja Ryöppy
Participatory theatre, Object theatre, improvisation, human-object relating, design process, participatory design
Corey Mwamba
music, improvised music, phenomenology, Practice-as-research, musicology
Pavel Prokopic
Film Aesthetics, Film Performance, Film Ontology, Cinematography, Experimental Film, Art Cinema, Fiction Film Directing, Affect theory, Film Semiotics
Gabriel Marques
design, technology, Internet
Ilmari Kortelainen
somatiikka, mediaatio, zen-buddhalsuus, affekti, muuntuneet tietoisuudentilat, tila, aika
Marike Hoekstra
art education, pedagogy, arts-based research, art-based research, third space
Jan Georg J.G. Glöckner
Artistic Biotechnology
alternative art schools, alternative pedagogies, de-centring spaces, conceptualising frameworks for artistic research, sites of participation, performative research tools, deep mapping.
Delphine Kim Carufel
Sculpture, neurodivesity, neuroqueerness, art
Helena Persson
sound art, sound art installations, site specific artwork, spatial art, sound composition, listening