
Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
art, artistic research, politics, Art history, activism
Alex Nowitz
contemporary vocal performance art, voice, extended practice, improvisation and real-time composition, voice and live electronics, composition, composer-performer, politics of voice, philosophy of voice
Thomas Ballhausen
text, Literature, Film studies, textualism, science fiction, philosophy
Eric Souther
Code, toolmaking, new media art, New Materialism
Shane Finan
place, technology, interactive, Painting, transience, ephemeral, solastalgia, interactive installation, interactive art, digital art, Language
Georgios Varoutsos
Soundscapes, soundwalking, urban space, immersive technologies, acoustic ecology, auto-methodologies, covid-19, field recording, field research
Darya Tsymbalyuk
plants, nonhuman, Displacement, repetition, multispecies, trace, migration
Jason Norda
visual art, education, art education, multimedia
Uddipana Das
narrative, Storytelling, choreography and performance, dance improvisation, artistic research
Isa Bruijnen
art education, artistic research, visual art, paintings, creative process, Enjoyment, teaching artist, Becoming, thinking through making