
Joanne Scott
live media performance, intermediality, audio-visual, Practice-as-research, Practice Research, more than human
Rozita Fogelman
digital art, architecture, Archetypes, ASCII, Unicode, computer art, code art, text art, textile, patterns, graphic art
Yann Charles M Bougaran-Faivre d'Arcier
AI, typography, Design Thinking, design=art=research, graphic design, socially engaged art, social oriented design
Barbara Lueneburg
Instrumental Performance Studies, Participatory Art, Authorship, Collaboration, Methodology, Embodiment, Artistic Research
William Platz
drawing, drawing research, performance, life drawing, artist's model, portraiture
Emma WIlliams
historically informed performance, 19th century, violin, voice
Tina Auer
experiential futures, futures literacy, lighthouses, The Art of Powerful Questions, Immersive Environments, narratives
sergio patricio valenzuela valdes
time based media, performance; landscape; video; sound; installation, Action art, artistic research
electroacoustic music
Ella Raidel
Experimental Cinema, Contemporary Aesthetics, Contemporary Art, Interdisciplinary Research Urban Studies, East and Southeast Asian Cinema, Sinophone Cinema, Nonfiction Cinema, Documentary Film
Ieva Baltrenaite
art, artistic research, design, clothes, Sociology, memory, Memory culture, anthropology, fashion, fashion design, fashion practice research, fashion creativity, fashion making, History, performing arts, Contemporary art
Sheung Yiu
Hyperimage, computation, Computational Photography, algorithmic generation, PHOTOGRAPHY, photogrammetry, computer vision, remote sensing, Hyperreality, hyperobjects, New Materialism, ontology, Speculative Realism, AI (Artificial Intelligence), artistic research, multidisciplinary
Rachel Carney
poetry, art, museum, Museum Art, creative writing, History
Luc Gosselink
design, art, furniture design, repair, environmental awareness, change is possible