
Klaus Hu
1: strata / geology / genealogy of history 2: the digital / the sensual / appropriation 3: landscape / the Anthropocene / conflicts on resources 4: escapism / sci-fi and narrative territories
Vahri McKenzie
Theories and practices of contemporary performing arts, Artistic research design and methodologies, Theories and practices of writing, Artistic responses to science and technology, Improvisation, collaboration and embodiment in creativity
Gerriet K. Sharma
Spatial Aesthetics in Sound, Sound Art Sound-Space, performance
Ilayda Altuntas Nott
soundwalk, sound, sound art, artistic research, art education, art practice
Alex Nowitz
contemporary vocal performance art, voice, extended practice, improvisation and real-time composition, voice and live electronics, composition, composer-performer, politics of voice, philosophy of voice
Jeannette Ginslov
Screendance, Embodied Dance Practice, Dance-tech practice, Embodied technologies, Embodied Materiality
Nayeli Vazquez Bertely
choreography and performance, dance, choreographic thinking, Dance education, embodiment
Richard Alsadi
Qanun performance, Middle East, Ancient instruments, extended techniques, Qanun, soundscape composition
Jasmin Schaitl
performance, visual art, participatory arts, memory, haptics, installation
Ragni Støen
NTNU Design
Garrett Lynch IRL
networked art, networked performance, post-disciplinary practice, digital arts
Michal Lovecky
digital worlds, metaverse, XR, virtual reality, transdiciplinarity, co-design, co-creation, ocean, immersive technologies, Immersion, marine science, collective action research, impact
Nina Goedegebure
art, science and art
Juuso-Matias Maijanen
intimacy, physical theatre, physicality, materiality, pedagogy, Pedagogy of change, agency, consent, ruthlessness, violence, dramatic combat, stage combat, stagefight, intimacy direction, fight direction, intimitet, scenkonst, performing arts, Performing arts pedagogy
Rah Eleh
counter-futurism, ethnic-futurism, Contemporary art, liminal experiences, diaspora, nationalism, queer theory, intersectionality, feminism, postcolonial/decolonial theories, videoart, Installation Art, performance, digital art