
Kit Hammonds
exhibition, curating, Curatorial Studies, science fiction, publishing
Johannes Boer
epistemology, Monteverdi, Viola da Gamba
mari martin
performance, collaboration, artistic processes, environment, senses, interaction, encountering, urban space, artistic research, ecology, artistic dialogue, anti-racism
Benedict Olk
dance, choreography and performance, agency, Authorship, postmodernism, formalism, re-enactment, reconstruction, technique, Practice-as-research, practice-based research, practice as research, practice based research, practice, Merce Cunningham, archive, dance technique
Doris Ingrisch
gender and cultural studies, dialogue between art & science, history of science, arts based and experimental research methods
Aina Roca Mora
architecture, cinema, cinematography, time and space, scenography, ephemeral
Xenia Mura Fink
gaze, female gaze, politics of representation, political art, figuration
Maud Haering
Caldara, singing, salterio, scialmo, chalumeau, cymbalum, Psalterium, Vienna, Oratorio
Johannes Maria Schmit
Regie-Theater (Directors’ theater), Consent, Actor, Director, Postdramatic Theater // Transference, Regie-Theater, actor training, transference, psychoanalysis, consent
Paulo Luís Almeida
drawing, performance, Teaching
Andy Hoff
Climate Activism, arts-based research, posthumanism, Anthropocene, Media Arts, speculative fiction, transmedia, Visual Culture, graphic novel, Practice-as-research
Samuelle Rousseau-Lamontagne
materiality, Sculpture, bioethics, biology
Martin Lang
Painting, post-truth, art and politics, Ethical Criticism of Art, Investigative art, Philosophy of Art, aesthetics
Estefanía Díaz Ramos
Soundart, Audiovisual, Cultural Studies, Sociology, creative writing, communication, community based art work
Monica Lim
Interactive Composition, Interactive Art, Experimental Music, New instruments for Music Exploration, Computer Music, AI in Music
Felipe Pinto San Martín
Espacio Público, dibujo, normatividad, humor, escritura
Antonia Aitken
walking as practice, decolonisation, performance drawing, practice based research, drawing research, critical place theory