
Lise Hovik
theatre for early years, theater installation, art for the very young, art education, artistic reasearch, musical communication, affect, affective pedagogics, Becoming, rhythm language, improvisation, Participatory Art, play, posthumanism, New Materialism
Rozita Fogelman
digital art, architecture, Archetypes, ASCII, Unicode, computer art, code art, text art, textile, patterns, graphic art
Karen Schiff
Agnes Martin, Pablo Picasso (early career), artistic research, word and image, studio practice
Alicia Champlin
bioacoustics, biosignal driven music, sound art, cybernetics, systems aesthetics, communication theory, ontology, Semiotics, live coding, max msp, installation, interactivity, frequency, resonance, EEG, BCI, Body-centered, agency, identity, Feedback
Linnea Bågander
fashion practice research, fashion design, motion design, Motion capturing, materiality, materialization, New Materialism, costume design, methods
Marko Mikael Marila
artistic research, Archaeology, philosophy, heritage, speculation
cinema studies, animation theory, Film-making, 360 video
Jan Georg J.G. Glöckner
Artistic Biotechnology
Alexander Lindman
Acting for screen and social media, Acting, Acting on social media platforms, What is the actor's role in the age of social media, Mime acting, Stunt acting, physical theatre, The social media actor, Deneurotypicalize acting technique, Deneurotypicalize, neurodiversity, ADHD, adhd actor, Mime, Stunt, ADHD acting, Social media, social media actor, Social media Acting, Deneurotypicalized Acting, ART, Entertainment, PerspART, NewART, AutoART
Andy Hoff
Climate Activism, arts-based research, posthumanism, Anthropocene, Media Arts, speculative fiction, transmedia, Visual Culture, graphic novel, Practice-as-research
Nicia Ivonne Fernandez Grijalva
documentary film, Documentary storytelling, vr-video, Immersive Experiences, radio, antropocene
Lars Kristian Røssell Takeuchi Kynde
Microtonality, Perception and Consciousness, synaesthesia, instrument design, Post-digital., composition, Music Notation, sense perception