
Till Bovermann
sonification, listening, Live-electronics, live coding
Christoph Brunner
Media Arts, affect, politics, activism, research-creation, Media studies, Cultural Studies, postcolonial/decolonial theories, Gender studies, Aesthetics and Theory of Arts
Milla Kristina Tiainen
voice studies, contemporary musical performance, new materialism, environmental theory, affect, contemporary vocal art, cultural studies of music, sound studies, feminism
Laura McGough
Media Art, Liveness, New Media
Alexios Brailas
Systems theory, Complexity, reflective practice, qualitative research, art-based research, group processes, digital artistic research
Charlotta Ruth
repetition, liveness, documentation, ludic structures, choreography, participation, collaboration
Kiana dekkers
Andrea Kristoffersen
school, design, study
Theodore Teichman
embodiment, environmental art, environmental sound, environmental stewardship, environmental artistic research, environmental humanities, environmental ethics, ecology, eco-art, ecocriticism, ecopsychology, artistic research, landscape, landscape art, land-art, Landscape.Body, sound art, soundwalk, soundscape composition, soundscape, psychogeography, psychoacoustics, phenomenology, materiality, vibrant matter, material perception, material ontology, body extended, performance, site, Site-specific, place, Place and time, placemaking, time, time based media, time ecology, Film-making, photographic practice
performance, Technology Innovation, multimedia, transdiciplinarity, Science and Art collaborations, performativity, community, userinvolvment, User Experience
cinema studies, animation theory, Film-making, 360 video
Alex Hale
art, Archaeology, landscape, graffiti, inscription, practice-based, contemporary archaeology
Joanna Sofia Elisabet Kerkelä
dance;, philosophy, nature, artistic research, art
Archie Reid
posthuman, queer, art process, art, synesthesia, perception, process, media, technology
Jonathan LARCHER
Visual Anthropology, media archeology, Sound, archives
Joanna Staruch-Smolec
Music Performance, Belgian school of violin playing, early recordings, 19th-century performance practice, violin
Elena Cirkovic
more-than-human, more-than-human realms, space / place, earth processes, planetary boundaries, traditional art, sustainability, sustainable architecture, landscape, space, spaceflight, forest dynamics, animal ethics, darkness, day and night, daylight, Arctic art, arctic, Balkans, transdiciplinarity, Trauma; Memory;