
Klaus Hu
1: strata / geology / genealogy of history 2: the digital / the sensual / appropriation 3: landscape / the Anthropocene / conflicts on resources 4: escapism / sci-fi and narrative territories
Håkon Mørch Stene
Experimental music, interpretation, multidisciplinary, artistic research, pedagogy
Alexander Damianisch
Artistic and Scientific Research
Till Ansgar Baumhauer
War trauma, depiction of violence, art, interdisciplinarity, interculturalit, visual culture, Afghanistan, conflict transformation art
Erik Friis Reitan
PHOTOGRAPHY, photosculpture, installation, Installation Art, phenomenlogy, Object Oriented Ontology, land art, Minimalism, visual art, zen, space, spacial art, landscape, ecology, technology, nature
Alexandra Toland
urban ecology, multispecies urbanism, soil studies, site-specificity, air, environmental humanities, compost, relationality
Vasco Alves
music, Music Education, Musical performance, music aesthetics, Music philosophy, Music analysis, music theory, Musical Cultures, Music editing, musical instruments, musical narrative, Musical Syntax, musical communication, musical expression, musical narration, musicality, musical and artistic development, musical literacy, musicology, music theater
Srisrividhiya Kalyanasundaram
aesthetics and philosophy, Ecological Consciousness, Eco-ethics, Eco -philosophy and Eco-aesthetics, Arts Education, Visual Design, Illustration, Earth Education, Conservation, Communication, Art History, Creative Writing, Indian art and aesthetics, Indian philosophy, Ecological consciousness, Eco-philosophy, Eco-art and aesthetics
Charlotta Ruth
repetition, liveness, documentation, ludic structures, choreography, participation, collaboration
Rachael Jones
experimental filmmaking tools, material methods, arts-based research, participation in filmmaking, sensuous knowledge, materialist filmmaking
Andrew Knight-Hill
Sound Art Sound-Space, electroacoustic music, electroacoustic composition
Helen Felcey
ceramics, Craft, design, Health, well-being, Buddhism
Gareth Somers
Performance and Ecology, Theatre, Devised Performance, Theatre History, Actor Training, Interdisciplinarity, Spirituality, Somatics
Vishwesh Mistry
spatial, narrative, Uncertainty and not knowing
Camilla Carlsen
Design Thinking, Human-machine-Interaction, User Experience, User Interface, psychology
Isaac Alonso de Molina
early music pedagogy, early music performance, musica practica
Michele Rinaldi
new media art, artificial intelligence