
Justy Phillips
Publishing as art practice, artistic research, Writing as artistic research, more-than-human
Flick Harrison
community-engaged art, Video art, online video, political film, Media Arts, activism
Anne Marthe Dyvi
Media Arts, Video art, moving images, Colour, time based media, time, art, technology, History, politics, poetry
Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk
theatre, performance, Composed Theatre, Dramaturgy, documentary, posthumanism
Michael O'Connor
choreography and performance, cognitive neuroscience, material engagement, metaphor
Vidmina Stasiulyte
experimental aesthetics, sound embodiment, fashion alternatives, boundary artefacts, inclusion
Kristin Norderval
voice, voice and live electronics, composer as performer, opera, music technology, gestural controllers
Carlotta Bonura
Architecture, stage design, art, exhibition, writing, Vocal performance, music, Storytelling
Elina Akselrud
music, interpretation, interpretation analysis, collaboration, multidisciplinary, performance, performing arts, multidisciplinary art, Crossover, crossdisiplinary, cross-disciplinary, cross-genre, musical expression
Ana Miriam Rebelo
photography, architecture, public space, photobooks, visual culture, editorial design, design