
Mick Wilson
necropolitics / political community with the dead, foodways and political imaginaries, rhetorical form & method discourse in knowledge conflict
Anne Juren
Feldenkrais Method®, anatomy, fantasmical, speculative gestures, somatic practices, dislocation, operation, dissection, treatment, fragmentation, devisualisation, non-expression, language, poetry, voice, touch, psychoanalysis, crisis, encounter, critical awareness, sensorial transference, co-regulation, body proxy, trans-interiority, symptom, practitioner, patient, session, lesson, L’Effet-Mère, mother tongue, very too close, very too far, atlas, Choreography, Somatic practices, dérive, drift, diffraction, dance
Iram Ghufran
Documentary experimental, Artistic reserach, Media Arts, Technology and Culture, science fiction, archive
Johannes Kretz
Transculturality, composition, electroacoustic music, electronic music, Live-electronics, ethnomusicology, philosophy, philosophy as art, biology, mathematics, Physics
Anne Marthe Dyvi
Media Arts, Video art, moving images, Colour, time based media, time, art, technology, History, politics, poetry
Camilla Eeg-Tverbakk
theatre, performance, Composed Theatre, Dramaturgy, documentary, posthumanism
Jeffrey Cobbold
experimental music, practical theology, video, sound art, digital sound studies, personal digital storytelling, worship arts
Helena Marinho
performance research
YiLing Hung
Performance, Scenography, Social behaviour, acculturation, space and place
René Silva
Artistic Research Music, Musical Composition, Contemporary Music, Barrel Organs, heritage engagement
Justin Bennett
sound art, artistic research, Audio walks
Annabel Schouten
natural system
Maria Høgh-Mikkelsen
colour, design, material, aesthetics, artistic research, textile, atmosphere, phenomenlogy, creativity, Design research, design process
Rachel Carney
poetry, art, museum, Museum Art, creative writing, History