
Einar Røttingen
Music Performance, performance practice, Performance Performativity, Chamber music, Harald Sæverud, musical expression
vincent roumagnac
Anthroposcene, Deep Stage, Hyperdrama, Time Ecology, Artistic Research, Scenic Thinking, Reacclimatization, Contemporary art, Architecture, Scenographic Turn, Theatre Without Theatre, Skenomorphoses, Ecosophy
Kjetil Traavik Møster
music, jazz, artistic research, interplay, electronic music, KMD_Grieg
Kate McCallum
Art practice as research, linguistics, linguistic pragmatics, abstraction, mathematical thought, art and science, art and technology, artistic research, ethnography
K Benedikte L Esperi
immersive theatre, public art, public realm, live art, embodied methodology, Choreography, performance, dance for screen, immersive performance, avant-garde, performance; re-enactment; landspace; site; environment;, videography, post-modern dance, improvisation and real-time composition, performance lecture, Lecture Performance, artistic research, feminism
Scott McLaughlin
materiality, indeterminacy, spectral, failure, contingency, networks
David Carmona Navarro
jazz, Gershwin, violin
Nathan Riki Thomson
artistic research, artistic identity, interculturality, intercultural dialogue, transcultural, transdisciplinary collaboration, resonance
Federico Eisner Sagüés
Music, poetry, sound poetry, musicology, Sound Art Sound-Space
Srisrividhiya Kalyanasundaram
aesthetics and philosophy, Ecological Consciousness, Eco-ethics, Eco -philosophy and Eco-aesthetics, Arts Education, Visual Design, Illustration, Earth Education, Conservation, Communication, Art History, Creative Writing, Indian art and aesthetics, Indian philosophy, Ecological consciousness, Eco-philosophy, Eco-art and aesthetics
Tim Sayer
Music Performance, improvisation, music cognition, live electronics, Music Psychology
Stefania Castelblanco Perez
Through practice and research, I investigate the relation between sustainability, material availability, traditional craft techniques and the role of collective, ecological and cultural resistance in craft processes
Anne-Marie Dehon
ceramics, technology