
Torben Snekkestad
improvisation, embodiment, sampling, critical listening, instrument design, extended techniques, music technology, new materialisms, experimental music, diffractive methodology, phenomenology, listening practices, electroacoustic music
Brandon Bauer
Art Theory and Politics, Contemporary art, Democratizing the Aesthetic, Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Freeze, Democracy and citizenship, climate crisis, propaganda, critical history
Martin P Eccles
walking, sound, movement, time, distance, landscape, place, Durational practice, embodiment, phenomenology, human scale, solitude, field recording, poetry, haiku, haibun, mesostic, replication, replicated walks, islands, imagined islands, chance processes, random, sound art, soundwalking
Barbara Graf
Body based art, artistic research, phenomenlogy, lived experiences, drawing, Textiles
Rachael Jones
experimental filmmaking tools, material methods, arts-based research, participation in filmmaking, sensuous knowledge, materialist filmmaking
Barbis Ruder
performance, body, sculpture, orthesis, prothesis, sports, medicine, interdisciplinary, art, body art, body of work, body of the performer, physiology, physicality, artistic research, Medical Humanities, medicine technic, interdisciplinarity, conjunction
Thomas Pearce
performance, reconstruction, digital fabrication, 3D scanning, 3d digital modeling, historiography, Design research, architectural research, Architectural technology, design, speculative design, architecture
teresa luzio
performance; walking; visuality; performance documentation
Karin Heller-Dani
contemporary dance
Andrea Bonderup
Reproductive rights Reproductive labour, feminism, patriarchy, anthropology, women's rights, women's health, the history of misogyny, PHOTOGRAPHY, poetry, reproductive rights, reproduction labour, feminism, patriarchy, PHOTOGRAPHY, installation, women's rights, women's health, the history of misogyny, anthropology