
Michael Schwab
post-conceptual art
Amra Heco
audio-visual, philosophy, phenomenology, art, artistic research, aesthetics, multi-mode epistemological model, multimedia, multiple belonging, multidisciplinary, psychoanalysis, psychology of perception, Jung, gardening, diaspora, quantum field, water; performance; stone;, wind, writing, rhythm language, time, translation, truth, youth, Youth driven, universe, unfinished, unlearned insight, interview, improvisation, interpretation, interactive, orientalism, performance; re-enactment; landspace; site; environment;, participation, Lecture Performance, john cage, jazz, Journal for Artistic Research, holism, harmony, heritage, FILM, food, feminism, doctorate, DIY, sound, Zodiak, criticism, children, Contemporary art, visual art, voice and live electronics, visuals, VIDEO, VISUAL CULTURE, video performance, video installation; performance; landscape; environment;, breathing, new media art, morality
Behzad Khosravi Noori
Contemporary art, contemporary history, Film-making, micro-histories, autoethnography, politics of representation, politics of memory, colonial memory, Global South, Archivology
Helga Schmid
Time, Chronobiology, Sociology, Psychology, performance, design=art=research
Olav Friisberg Larssen
Sound Design, music, PHOTOGRAPHY, FILM, Film-making, film score, film sound, design, wordpress, html, css, archiving, family archives, innovation, startup, food wasting, food apps
Polly Hember
modernism, twentieth century, visual culture, modernity, technology, cinema, modernist poetry, affect, pedagogy, queer theory, networks
Jessica Emsley
phenomenology, nonhuman, more-than-human, Not-knowing, walking
Celine Lyng
songwriting, artificial intelligence, technology