
Johan Sandborg
PHOTOGRAPHY, post-photography, landscape, representation, memory, place
Markéta Dolejšová
more-than-human collaborations, multispecies ecologies, feral sensemaking, feral data, multisensory engagements
Arild Berg
Action Research, Contemporary art, participation, participatory design, digital production techniques, participatory democracy, ceramics, digital production culture
Vytautas Michelkevicius
post-photography, diagram, mapping, post-colonial, Media Arts, artistic research, artistic epistemology
Barbara Lueneburg
Instrumental Performance Studies, Participatory Art, Authorship, Collaboration, Methodology, Embodiment, Artistic Research
Heather Connelly
Translation, art, installation, affect
Jason Bernagozzi
Video art, new media art, consciousness, mycology, Theory
Katri Hirvonen-Nurmi
Cultural Institutions, cultural policy, Indigenous peoples, social anthropology, socially engaged art
Carmen Raffaela Küster
circus, performance, design thinking, aerial acrobatics, Body Mind Soul, body & object relationship, nature, trees
Francisco Beltrame Trento
neurodiversity, queer theory, Film-making, post-qualitative inquiry, neuroqueerness, artistic research, anarchive, research-creation, kinship
Georgios Varoutsos
Soundscapes, soundwalking, urban space, immersive technologies, acoustic ecology, auto-methodologies, covid-19, field recording, field research
performance, Technology Innovation, multimedia, transdiciplinarity, Science and Art collaborations, performativity, community, userinvolvment, User Experience
Morgane Clément-Gagnon
photography, self-portraiture
Könemann Flora
sound, Listening space and electroacoustic diffusion, craft, somatic research, dance;, composition, free jazz, frequency, painting process, movement, trance, Colour, transition