
Till Bovermann
sonification, listening, Live-electronics, live coding
Katrina Brown
choreography, drawing, documentation, contemporary arts, hybrid practice, horizontality, artistic research
Holger Schulze
sound studies, sensory ethnography, anthropology, popular music, Media Arts, memes, Sound Design, sonic materialism, sounding art, soundscape, sound art, soundwalk, aural phenomenology, Aural Skills
Michel Roth
music, games, indeterminacy, collaborative processes, interactive performance, artistic research, organology, music theory, sonification, transdiciplinarity, field recording, acoustic ecology, Actor network theory, soundscape studies
Dumond Camille
artistic research, art, artschools, switzerland research community
Jacob Anderskov
artistic research, artistic processes, music, improvisation, composition, performance, philosophy, aesthetics, methodology, phenomenology, Hermeneutics, post-structuralism, Noise, post-tonality, ensemble, interplay
soundscape, sound art, programming for audio
Shanna Soh
Design research, design education, academic research, design, fashion, textiles, interdisciplinary, Dutch design, transcultural design, transnational design, national identity, pluriverse, decolonising knowledge, Decolonizing methodologies
Stijn Brinkman
space and body, violin, curatorship, mirror, participatory arts, performance, performance; re-enactment; landspace; site; environment;
Polly Hember
modernism, twentieth century, visual culture, modernity, technology, cinema, modernist poetry, affect, pedagogy, queer theory, networks
Martin Lang
Painting, post-truth, art and politics, Ethical Criticism of Art, Investigative art, Philosophy of Art, aesthetics
Nicia Ivonne Fernandez Grijalva
documentary film, Documentary storytelling, vr-video, Immersive Experiences, radio, antropocene
Alex Hawthorn
time, sound as material