
Mark Tatlow
early music performance, early opera, embodied research, the musical event
Ilya Ziblat Shay
improvisation, free improvisation, composition, live electronics
Tom Blancarte
double bass, improvisation, networks, evolution, cognitive neuroscience, Actor network theory, translation, Language, AI, saxophone, acoustics, second-order systems, cybernetics
Elisa De Toffol
vocality, performance, singing
Fabian Weiss
PHOTOGRAPHY, VIDEO, Body, embodiment, optimal performance
Harry Matthews
composition, artistic research, Noise, Soundscapes, field recording, trespass
Rebecca Close
poetry, ceramics, sound, STS, queer
Csaba Hajnóczy
acoustic ecology, sound, soundscape, sound art
Eduardo Gaspar Polo Baader
Early music, crossmodal correspondences, new music, contemporary music, traverso, french baroque, interdisciplinarity, transdiciplinarity
Yamil Hasbun Chavarría
Actor network theory, governmentality, Design research, materiality, material ontology, Semiotics, material semiotics
Könemann Flora
sound, Listening space and electroacoustic diffusion, craft, somatic research, dance;, composition, free jazz, frequency, painting process, movement, trance, Colour, transition
Γιωργος Αλουπας
Photography, cinematography
Tuomas Rounakari
Artistic research, Myths, mythologies, Altered states of consiousness, more-than-human, indigenous knowledge, Arctic art, community engagement, trance, transcendence, transdiciplinarity, mythical dialogue, bear feast ceremony, bear myths