The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Disruptive media, sonorities and aesthetics: Listening panels (2024) Ramona Rodríguez-López
Each technology exerts a change in the acoustic environment. The development of mobile phones has expanded the space-time limits of sound and the ability to interfere in the forms of socialization and relationship with places. In addition to reproducing the voice, these devices promote multilayer listening that adds ringtones, notifications, alerts, and any sound generated by applications or accessible through the Internet. This research aims to study contemporary listening mediated by mobile phones, analyzing the disruptive effect generated by their sounds and listening through loudspeakers or buzzer speakers, technical means that articulate sonorities, and acoustic perceptions that limit information and add noise. The methodology used is hybrid. It focuses mainly on Arts-Based Research with experimental practices that explore techniques, materials, and media, as well as qualitative methods that provide points of view and opinions, fieldwork recording sounds, and pedagogy toward designing strategies that encourage other listening perspectives. The results materialize in pieces and panels in the form of installations that show different models of mobile phone loudspeakers, highlighting their aesthetic, technical, and symbolic aspects. The panel contains loudspeakers placed on sound-absorbing acoustic foam, and the listening sound soundscapes as maps that connect to the idea of the typical sound diversity of these devices (activated by sensors or buttons). Among other topics, the work deals with the archeology of the media and the precarious sounds that extend low-fidelity listening.
open exposition
Drawing Across x Along x Between x University Borders (2024) DRAWinU
CONFERENCE, UNIVERSITY OF PORTO. October 16, 17, 18th, 2024 :: Drawing Across :: Along :: Between University Borders considers the epistemological and transformative potential of drawing research to connect divergent areas in the university today. The conference focuses on drawing-based collaborations between art, science and society to tackle artistic, educational and societal challenges. We invite artists, scientists, educators, students, university policymakers and persons interested in inter-transdisciplinary practices across academia, research, and society to contribute and join the discussion in three possible directions: ACROSS - In what ways are drawing practitioners challenging the disciplinary strictures that often constrain thinking and acting across divergent areas in the university? ALONG - How can drawing activities be an ally of STEM education in the university, and how can STEM practices be an ally of drawing education? BETWEEN - How can drawing-based practices and STEM disciplines collaborate to address the urgency of societal challenges?
open exposition
CARCEREIRA II (2024) Ivan Santos Ferreira, Ana Beatriz Pinheiro Oliveira, Matilde Marques Moutinho da Costa Vinagre, Fabbio Augusto Savioli da Silva, Inês Juliana Silva Moura, Oceane Lourenco Ribeiro
Modo de trabalhar no projeto coletivo na plataforma RC: Owner do projeto de grupo é o Ivan, todos os outros são co-autores.
open exposition

recent publications <>

Co-poiesis: redefining our relationship with the world through filmmaking (2024) Yasmin Henra van Dorp
The research question that motivates this study is: what insights can be drawn from collaborative filmmaking that can illuminate new pathways for interacting with the world around us? Against the backdrop of contemporary societal and environmental divisions, this artistic research explores ways for redefining relationships, both human and nonhuman, through the lens of the philosophical framework of co-poiesis. Using a practice-led research methodology based on the collaborative process of the short documentary "The Spectacle" this study explores how collaborative practice and sensory engagement can serve as a reflective tool, illuminating our relational dynamics and perceptual interactions with each other and our environment.
open exposition
On the 13th of April 2024 an archaeological action in the 2º Torrão neighborhood was carried out, in collaboration with the Almada Archaeology Centre. The objective was not an excavation, it was not prospecting, but an activity that would make the residents, through the participation of the children who live there, aware of their recent past, their identity and the importance of what is happening in their neighborhood, for themselves and others. 2º Torrão is a self-built neighborhood located a few km from the center of Trafaria where approximately 2000 people live.
open exposition
Between Performance and Notation: How did Carl Reinecke understand Mozart’s piano concerto No.26 K.537? (2024) Mako Kodama
 Carl Reinecke (1824-1910) was a German composer, pianist, conductor of the Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra, and professor at the Leipzig Conservatory. His piano performances were admired by Felix Mendelssohn, Robert Schumann and Franz Liszt, and he was reputed as "the greatest and most sincere Mozart player of his time."However, you may be surprised on listening for the first time to his performances preserved on piano rolls, since there is noticeable use of expressive practices such as manual asynchrony, unnotated arpeggiation, and rubato (flexibility of rhythm and tempo), which is quite far from the kind of performance style that is considered good today.  This research clarifies the features of the performance practices audible in early piano rolls, such as those by Reinecke. It focuses on how he arranged and notated the Larghetto from Mozart's Piano Concerto No.26 K.537 for piano solo, how he performed it on piano roll (1905), and how he described the performance of the movement in his book Zur Wiederbelebung der Mozart'schen Clavier-Concerte (1891). The discrepancies between the three source materials give an insight into the implied performance practices of Reinecke’s time and his tacit knowledge. The research culminates with personal experimentation and reflection on how these performance practices can expand the freedom and possibilities of the author’s performances.
open exposition

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