The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Inside the Narrative (2024) Gustav Kvaal, Torkell Bernsen
The aim of this artistic research project is to create an illustrated VR documentary experience that narrates the story of a time witness from the second world war in Bodø, Norway. The project explores questions concerning visual storytelling and ethics in the encounter between the VR-audience, interviewed subjects and the audiovisual spatial design. Artistic and qualitative research methods have been employed to explore how different visual modes and contexts alter the experience of narrator(Time witness) and narrative in a media format characterized by its ability to place the viewer in a state of immersion, intimacy, and a sense of presence. Theoretically, this study is situated in an artistic landscape connected to media theory, journalism, ethics and visual communication. Concepts such as media witness ethics, with the so-called risk of improper distance and considerations around the term distant others, are relevant for the reflection associated with the project.
open exposition
Practices for the future / an Artogrphic approach (2024) Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson
Task submission for course Dokumentation, reflektion och kritisk granskning / Documentation, Reflection and Critical Review Application of Artographic methods towards own and/ or others dance practice. Project "Practices for the future"
open exposition
Cartilla Danza Inclusiva (2024) Laisvie Andrea Ochoa Gaevska, DAVID BERNAL
Cartilla que presenta buenas prácticas sobre danza inclusiva y accesible. Realizada por ConCuerpos Parte del Proyecto Danza para la Diversidad 2023. Apoyado por la Beca para el reconocimiento y la activación del patrimonio cultural de Sectores Sociales del Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural
open exposition

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ANTICIPATION - Performance, art and design (2024) Sergio Patricio
My performance art practice as an artist and researcher has become crucial to test ideas that theoretically catch my interest. For example, years ago I was convinced that performance art compositions were a miracle because of the Chaos theory in physics, where organized chaos was so complex that it was too difficult to perceive the origin, development and end of each action in time-space here and now. Within the context of an event of actions and the probabilities, time stretches out in many directions, making the observable constellation of actions more than chaotic, but four-dimensional almost, in a way that the past, present and future of the actions become one: Anticipation. Therefore, Anticipation in actions becomes crucial to understanding that action could fail even in a prediction, as an action goal is scored to be done, performers in present time-space, live simultaneously in the past present and future of the action, the tension between the action-goal is the vibration, but the anticipation is all the probabilities merge with the past and future of this action. Multidimensional perception requires a performer to perform within an action to improve training and work out through several performance preparations. An example is how to cross at constant speed a mass of crowded people and not change direction. Anticipation switches your present to be merged with your past and future. Such a concept is how I improve daily in my performance lab with the participants of my performance laboratory.
open exposition
Sustainability in Performing Arts Production (2024) Johanna Garpe, Camilla Damkjaer, Markus Granqvist, Gunilla Pettersson Thafvelin, Anna Ljungqvist, Anders Larsson, Synne Behrndt, Mihra Lindblom, Anja Susa, Anders Aare, Anders Duus, Jon Refsdal Moe
The purpose of this project is to explore how we can minimize the climate impact through the way we plan, produce, and support performing arts productions. The overarching research question was: How can we continue to create relevant and innovative performing arts with a smaller climate impact? The faculty in performing arts at Stockholm University of the Arts worked with Harry Martinson's Aniara from their various disciplines.
open exposition
Att föreställa Aniara (2024) Gunilla Pettersson Thafvelin
Expositionen är en del av forskningsprojektet "Scenkonstproduktion med reducerad klimatpåverkan".
open exposition

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