The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Finding the time and place to say goodbye (2024) Madelief van de Beek
By researching crematoria and graveyards I try to break the taboo surrounding grief and death. What are the elements of design at these places that could provide comfort? What are the stereotypes about death culture that prevents us from fully accepting what happens to us when we die?
open exposition
Fertility / 'Will You Carry Me?!' (2024) Nina Goedegebure
Artist, actress and writer Nina Goedegebure conducts artistic research into the polyphony of a disease process at the Master Crossover Creativity @HKU, with two transdisciplinary projects; Fertility and 'Will You Carry Me?!' Starting from the question: How are we carried within a disease process? she investigates the effect of art during a disease process, and/or treatment. She is driven by the idea that in destruction lies creation. 'Through Research Catalogue I want to provide an open insight into this artistic process including my sources of inspiration, questions and finds.'
open exposition
RESIDENCIAL DA BOAVISTA II (2024) Bárbara Marques Nunes, Laura Almeida Nunes, Afonso Viana Mendes, Maria Catarina Costa Reis
RESIDENCIAL DA BOAVISTA II No centro da cidade do Porto, pendurado na Avenida da Boavista e junto à barulhenta VCI, está um lugar onde quase nada acontece, o Foco. No Bairro Habitacional do Foco, neste bairro modernista, o tempo parece estar suspenso. Prédios podem ser construídos à sua volta, plenas mutações citadinas e o bairro ainda manteria a sua estética e ambiente. O bairro é como um corpo refastelado, com a sua cabeça pousada na avenida da Boavista e os pés sobre a VCI, sempre em contradição à movimentação e ruído constate da cidade envolvente. Os vizinhos encontram-se na entrada dos blocos, a senhora do 1.º esquerdo limpa a varanda, o porteiro vigia, solitário, o majestoso átrio. Entretanto, na urbe surgem, diariamente, novos movimentos, os metros descarregam milhares de pessoas, os citadinos saem à rua desenfreados na motivação de vivenciar um novo dia. Numa primeira fase, desenvolvemos este estudo da cidade e a sua relação com o bairro residencial colocando em foco os seus cidadãos e como os diferentes espaços são vivenciados, refletindo os seus movimentos. A cidade tece uma manta de retalhos. É na Boavista onde estes se juntam prolongando-se da cidade ao mar. Artefactos de várias épocas são unidos por uma linha invisível. O Bairro Habitacional do Foco, este bairro modernista, marca o meio desta Avenida, mudando o ambiente. A avenida comercial torna-se habitacional. O ruído torna-se em calma. A confusão citadina abre espaço a uma tranquilidade aparentemente suburbana. Numa segunda fase, uma nova promenade, com enfoque nesta relação recém-descoberta. Habitando o espaço do Bairro, entendemos que este é contaminado por figuras geométricas em contraponto à natureza.
open exposition

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Notes On Artificial Intelligence And The Rise Of New Images (2024) Pamela Breda
Pamela Breda’s (Digital Arts) contribution "Notes On Artificial Intelligence And The Rise Of New Images" explores how hyper-realistic computer-generated images (CGI) reshape our perception of reality and its implications for human creativity. Her considerations stem from an ongoing interdisciplinary artistic research project that combines positions from visual cultural studies, cognitive psychology, and perceptual theory with historical perspectives. Breda’s contribution reflects on the historical background of CGI, its influence on various domains of individual and collective life, and its philosophical implications, her contribution provides current viewpoints on the position of AI and its past implications.
open exposition
Herbarium of Words: Literary Style at the Scale of a Street (2024) Thomas Ballhausen, Elena Peytchinska
Thomas Ballhausen's (author and philosopher) and Elena Peytchinska's (Institute of Fine Arts & Media Art – Stage and Film Design) contribution "Herbarium of Words: Literary Style at the Scale of a Street" artistically explores the interrelations of space, language, and literature and takes us on a walk through Vienna’s streets. The herbarium serves as a point of departure for historical observations, which is seen as a form of subjective and personal archiving of urban experiences by means of linguization. Their performative approach combines film stills, poetry, and theoretical backgrounds to transform the boundaries of text and bibliographic formats.
open exposition
Permanent traces (2024) Matevž Čebašek
Research Document of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023. BA Photography. The research paper serves as a base for understanding the memories on a case of a person with dementia and their connections to the medium of photography. Photography is used as an attempt to retrieve my grandmother’s autobiographical memories which are often hard to retrieve. It is based on the assumption that every memory, no matter how vague, is still accessible by restoring to a proper process, similar to the latent image on the photographic film that becomes visible only after appropriate processing. Based on existing experimental memory research I constructed a method of finding a cue that can trigger specific memories in a conversation. Photographic images from the past were used as a base of the conversation. In most cases, they didn’t directly trigger involuntary memory, but they served as a starting point for a conversation, allowing my grandmother to start actively thinking about a period of her life. Due to dementia, the responses within one conversation were often repeated, yet after some time, the chain reaction of retrieving memories allowed her to remember some specific details. Her understanding of the fragility of memories was constantly present. On multiple occasions, she expressed that an artificial device, such as photography or writing, should be used to preserve them. The research doesn’t give a complete understanding of how memories and their retrieval work in general, but it gives a better understanding of how it can efficiently be done with my grandmother. The process I developed can be applied to other people if properly adjusted to them. I believe that essentially what counts is not what kind of cue we choose, but that we patiently take time to listen and guide conversations with some previous knowledge about their past.
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