The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Cartilla Danza Inclusiva (2024) Laisvie Andrea Ochoa Gaevska, DAVID BERNAL
Cartilla que presenta buenas prácticas sobre danza inclusiva y accesible. Realizada por ConCuerpos Parte del Proyecto Danza para la Diversidad 2023. Apoyado por la Beca para el reconocimiento y la activación del patrimonio cultural de Sectores Sociales del Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural
open exposition
In the softness of the belly... There is a war on women (2024) Andrea Bonderup
In the softness of the belly… There is a war on women is a testimony to the lived stories of abortion from a perspective which transcends time and national borders. This research paper is structured around two intertwined trajectories with varying text formats and writing styles. This structure merges the personal with the political and explores their relationship as it reveals how they can’t be separated in a society with deeply rooted structures of patriarchy and misogyny. The first trajectory chronologically tells the story of the author's own experience with abortion integrated with the personal stories from friends and family members. The process of dealing with abortion is gradually laid out starting from childhood memories, proceeding into the practical turmoil and the contradicting emotions surrounding the experience itself, moving onto the mental and physical aftermaths, and lastly processing the experience and slowly healing. In the second trajectory the topic is explored from a more external perspective rooted in history, politics, culture, and society. Through research on the history of reproductive rights and procreation, the permeating role of patriarchy from the past to the presence is addressed. The investigation of patriarchy dives into the misogynist history of witch-hunts, hysteria, capitalism, domestic labor, and into the present where reproductive rights are both improving but also continuously being tightened or removed. This trajectory further explores several socio-cultural aspects of abortion through research-based text and more sporadic and poetic writings. The topics that are addressed are shame, guilt, religion, gender roles, depiction both visually and written, the public discussion, and the perception of blood, violence, and war in relation to women and reproductive rights. The aim of the research paper is to break down and reveal the patriarchal structures which compromise women's reproductive rights, and to state the importance of reclaiming the personal narratives as well as the autonomy over one's own body, narrative, and life.
open exposition

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The process (2024) Johanna Schubert
Materials, Chaos, and Desire in the Midst of Subconsciousness
open exposition
The Unimportance of Why - exploring liminal space in narrative gaps (2024) Sara Key
Master in Film & Media, Thesis project, SKH/Stockholm University of the Arts - the Art of Impact 2024 Film as doing philosophy, and the liminal experience explored within the narrative gap of character creation, as a space for pre-reflective thought and attention. Themes of Melancholy and Memory works as architecture for experimenting with spatiality and temporality. With ideas of Film as Poetic Art, I have explored the How and Now in film acting with a tension dependent non-linear script motivated by the works of filmmaker Chantal Akerman. What happens with us as filmmakers when we refuse to answer questions? What happens with the spectator when we refuse to give answers? Is there a gap created or are the gaps the magic that happens in between the creation?
open exposition
THE ART OF THE WALK CYCLE (2024) Rania Ghazali
This exploration delves into the potential of emotional storytelling through walk cycles. Moving beyond traditional animation, it utilises the expressive power of modern tools to explore how line, shape, stroke weight, colour, texture, and sound can be manipulated to create abstract narratives that evoke deeper emotional experience for the viewer. Drawing on a foundation of psychological principles, scientific research, and relevant articles, the walk cycles become abstract narratives, provoking introspection and emotional connection.
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