The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Practices for the future / an Artogrphic approach (2024) Sebastian Ruiz Bartilson
Task submission for course Dokumentation, reflektion och kritisk granskning / Documentation, Reflection and Critical Review Application of Artographic methods towards own and/ or others dance practice. Project "Practices for the future"
open exposition
Cartilla Danza Inclusiva (2024) Laisvie Andrea Ochoa Gaevska, DAVID BERNAL
Cartilla que presenta buenas prácticas sobre danza inclusiva y accesible. Realizada por ConCuerpos Parte del Proyecto Danza para la Diversidad 2023. Apoyado por la Beca para el reconocimiento y la activación del patrimonio cultural de Sectores Sociales del Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural
open exposition
ELISABETH LAASONEN BELGRANO - PORTFOLIO (2024) Elisabeth Laasonen Belgrano
An overview of Elisabeth Belgrano's artistic / performance / research and teaching in higher arts education 2004-ongoing
open exposition

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Book of Scores (2024) Fausto Lessa
This Book of Scores presents the standard music notation for the compositions featured in the album 'Portfolio'. Each piece is crafted for solo bass guitar, pushing the instrument's expressive boundaries and revealing its rich polyphonic potential. Through inventive arrangements, these compositions invite bassists to explore new dimensions of solo performance.
open exposition
STUDIES IN KUNSTVAKIDIOTIE (2024) Mirjam van Tilburg
Welcome to "Studies in Kunstvakidiotie". Here, you can browse through the photographs, essays, drawings, audio and video clips. ‘Studies in kunstvakidiotie’ is the doctoral research of Mirjam van Tilburg at Antwerp Research Institute for the Arts (ARIA). This is a study in arts education from within the arts. She tries to shift the dominant image of life-long-learning (LLL) and provide insight into the possibilities that this LLL space also provides to art teachers. By searching in this way, more and more became clear about life-long-learning of art teachers. Therefore, a linear cause-and-effect narrative did not seem to do justice to the subject matter. The term ‘studies’ in the title is sketchy — it also involves repetition and seeking connections and, above all, it is a derivative of studio and study. Five essays form the markers within ‘Studies in Kunstvakidiotie’. Together, they construct a narrative. The essay ‘(onder)zoek in kunsteducatie’ describes practices and values that stem from Mirjam van Tilburg’s artistic practice: education. The motivation behind this research is that art teachers find LLL events to be limited. The essay ‘LLO als commoning practice’ discusses the possibilities of commoning practices. The examples: The New School Collective and studios are outlined herein. The studios are the experiment within this doctoral research. During the winter of 2020-2021, Mirjam van Tilburg worked with ten art teachers. The experiment of this doctoral project coincided with the Covid-19 crisis. Together they occupied artist studios in Tilburg and Rotterdam to de-automate and look at teaching practices. The essays ‘Blik’ and ‘Tijd’ therefore propose two topics of conversation within LLL: the ‘aesthetic glance’ and the temporal experience of ‘interruption’. These essays question the efficient and productive order prevailing in the work environment and LLL of art teachers. The essay ‘Herontdekking van Kunstvakidiotie’ is the story of a change in the craft of art teachers in the first Covid-19 crisis year. The term ‘kunstvakidiotie’ in the title cannot be directly translated into English because it is a compound word and may have specific connotations in the Dutch context. The essay describes how in these studios, art subject teachers had one foothold: artistic fervour.
open exposition
synthetic bodies: protocols for intra-acting (2024) Lenka Vesela
Our bodies are porous entities that interconnect with and depend on the broader collectivity of human and nonhuman life that exists within a shared environment. Using the figuration of synthetic bodies, this exposition aims to examine the relationships in which we are enmeshed as our bodies absorb and excrete chemicals. With a focus on involuntary exposure to industrially manufactured chemicals (as opposed to exposure to naturally occurring chemicals or voluntary experimentation with chemicals of all types), this exposition invites readers to learn about the chemicals to which we are exposed and by which we are affected. With the ubiquity of chemicals in the environment, who are we becoming? How do chemicals affect us and how do we interact with them? How can we live well with chemicals in spite of their potential to harm? Adopting a decolonial feminist, posthumanist, and new materialist approach and embracing queer ecological sensibilities, this exposition develops protocols for embodied and materially embedded research practices that trace the effects of exposure to chemicals in everyday life. In so doing, it aims to demonstrate how we might build resilience through encounters with toxicity, contamination, and impurity. Download Accessible PDF
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