The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Dorsal Practices (2024) Emma Cocker, Katrina Brown
Dorsal Practices is a collaboration between choreographer Katrina Brown and writer-artist Emma Cocker, for exploring the notion of dorsality in relation to how we as moving bodies orient to self, others, world. How does cultivation of a back-oriented awareness and attitude shape and inform our experience of being-in-the-world? The dorsal orientation foregrounds active letting go, releasing, even de-privileging, of predominant social habits of uprightness and frontality — the head-oriented, sight-oriented, forward-facing, future-leaning tendencies of a culture intent on grasping a sense of the world through naming and control. Rather than a mode of withdrawal, of turning one’s back, how might a back-leaning orientation support a more open and receptive ethics of relation? How are experiences of listening, voicing, thinking, shaped differently through this tilt of awareness and attention towards the back?
open exposition
Drawing Across x Along x Between x University Borders (2024) DRAWinU
CONFERENCE, UNIVERSITY OF PORTO. October 16, 17, 18th, 2024 :: Drawing Across :: Along :: Between University Borders considers the epistemological and transformative potential of drawing research to connect divergent areas in the university today. The conference focuses on drawing-based collaborations between art, science and society to tackle artistic, educational and societal challenges. We invite artists, scientists, educators, students, university policymakers and persons interested in inter-transdisciplinary practices across academia, research, and society to contribute and join the discussion in three possible directions: ACROSS - In what ways are drawing practitioners challenging the disciplinary strictures that often constrain thinking and acting across divergent areas in the university? ALONG - How can drawing activities be an ally of STEM education in the university, and how can STEM practices be an ally of drawing education? BETWEEN - How can drawing-based practices and STEM disciplines collaborate to address the urgency of societal challenges?
open exposition
Pondering with Pines - Miettii Mäntyjen Kanssa - Funderar med Furor (2024) Annette Arlander
This exposition documents my explorations of pondering with pine trees. Tämä ekspositio dokumentoi yritykseni miettiä mäntyjen kanssa. Den här ekspositionen dokumenterar mina försök att fundera med furor.
open exposition

recent publications <>

India/Germany: the Story of a Little Girl from India and Germany (2024) Jessica Varghese
Thesis / Research Document of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2024 Interactive/Media/Design (I/M/D) As a child, moving from India to Germany changed the way I looked at and was perceived by society around me. Dancing between the extremes of complete integration and complete rejection of the culture, I found myself struggling with my sense of identity and belonging. By using TV and stories and other forms of media I was able to learn about my second culture and maintain my first culture. Looking through the lens of entertainment media I consumed throughout my childhood as well as the changes in narrative unfolding before my eyes as I grew up I started to wonder: How did the media I consumed shape my view of the world around me and the way that others perceived me? How much of that media had good/bad POC representation? How much of it was specifically South Indian? How much of it could I relate to?
open exposition
Harmonious Inner and Outer Climates (2024) Ilva Nieuwstraten
Thesis / Research Document of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, 2023. BA Interactive / Media / Design on the inner climate of the body This study investigates the relationship between the inner experiences of the human body and the state of balance of earth’s climate. The current state of the earth is worsening and the current way of living is not sustainable, climate change wise but also health and mental health wise. Changes need to be made to the way humans live their lives, for (men- tal) health, environment and survival of all beings. There are three stages in which this research takes place: meeting, befriending and becoming. The meeting chapter looks at the human body experiences of breathing, emotions and (graceful) movement and what these mean in relation- ship with environmental awareness. During befriending we dive into the human body’s microbiome, neurodiversity, mental illness, burn out, education and war and how these influence the climate crisis. The last chapter called becoming, looks into the philosophy of time and space in relationship with environmentalism and viewing the earth as one’s own body. The three stages are designed to help us understand the rela- tionship to the disturbance of the climate and our role in it. The research looks into methods to become aware of one’s body. For instance, Just being—breathing—gives the body and its microbiome time to heal. Another method being zooming out and metaphorically seeing the human bodies as the microbiome of earth. .
open exposition
The Remixician and the Triaxis (2024) Kristian Isachsen
An artistic research project exploring the art of live remixing through the lens of the music philosophical framework "The Remixician's Triaxis". The project resulted in live studio recordings with multi-camera video of my duo with Alessandra Bossa - Before Without.
open exposition

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