The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

recent activities <>

Bill Evans' influence on jazz (2024) Cathal Cradden
This is my research portfolio on Bill Evans and his influence on jazz.
open exposition
Atelier Nomade (2024) Pure Print Archeology
Atelier Nomade is a research seminar around the practical use of lithography outside of the printmaking workshop.
open exposition
The history of Japanese jazz bassists (2024) TianYi Zhang
Show [pptx]
The background introduction is about three character bassists in Japan. It analyzes and studies the three famous Japanese performers from different perspectives such as artistic style, characteristics, learning experience, and playing style.
open exposition

recent publications <

Ableton Live som kreativt verktøy for trommeslagere (2024) Solveig Nyhus
I dette kunstneriske utviklingsarbeidet har jeg eksperimentert med ulike måter å bruke Ableton Live som et kreativt verktøy. Dette med utgangspunkt i mitt hovedinstrument - trommer. Jeg har som en del av masteroppgaven komponert og produsert tre låter. Beskrivelsen av og refleksjonen rundt komposisjonsprosessen presenteres i kontekst av vitenskapelig teori og metode. I løpet av refleksjonen setter jeg ord på en ny bevisstgjøring rundt min kombinerte rolle som utøver, komponist og produsent gjennom solo-komprovisasjon og hvordan dette har gitt meg ny innsikt i egne estetiske preferanser. Jeg reflekterer også over hvordan teknologien jeg benyttet meg av påvirket komposisjonene, hovedsakelig hvordan trommespillet, sound, lydvalg og formen på låtene ble direkte påvirket av hvordan jeg samhandlet med teknologien.
open exposition
NIME - New instruments for Music Exploration (2024) Kjell Tore Innervik, Jonas Howden Sjøvaag
An artistic Postdoc project intended to create an environment for musical innovation, to explore the design of new physical and electronic instruments and to host the international NIME conference 2011. This interdisciplinary artistic research project was a collaboration between the composer Ivar Froundberg, Music Technologist Aleksander Refsum Jensenius and percussionist Kjell Tore Innervik. A project to enhance the possibilities of music performance for the many and for the few located at the Norwegian Academy of Music.
open exposition
The Aura of Electromagnetic Twilight (2024) Mikkel Wettre
In this lecture I reflect on recent artistic work relating to perception, technology and bodily awareness. The lecture was part of the Digital Narratives Network Conference held at UiB in 2019. The Digital Narrative Network Conference and Exhibition was a cross-faculty initiative at UiB/KMD with a keynote by N. Katherine Hayles on literature and AI, a series of presentations by scholars, artists and authors, and an exhibition of digital narratives, including a sample of my "Twilight Apparatus" sculpture-series. In my sculpture-work I have taken eyesight and optical phenomena as a starting point for mechanical installations that engage the senses and serve as metaphorical depictions of the relationship between human and technical cognition. My presentation will track the development of recent projects and the role of imaginative awareness.
open exposition

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