The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the
Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and
researchers. It
serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be
an open space for experimentation and exchange.
recent activities
Heini Nieminen
Lintuihin liittyvän taiteellisen tutkimukseni kohdalla pohdin ensin lintukatoa ja voisinko taiteen avulla tukea lintuja pesinnän onnistumisessa. Jossain matkan varrella huomasin, etten tiennyt keitä nämä linnut ovat, joiden kanssa pyrin toimimaan. Halusin ystävystyä pihani lintujen kanssa, oppia tuntemaan niitä. Rakensin "lintukopin", jossa vietin aina puoli tuntia kerrallaan. Olen kuvannut nämä puolituntiset ja kirjannut kokemuksista oleellisimmat seikat ylös.
Aftermath (E for Installation)
Zoe Panagiota (aka Betty) Nigianni
Design for interactive art installation with urban regeneration proposal, as well as video about environmentalism and our technologically mediated private and public lives; installation catalogue design with photography and textual collage, 2021-2023.
"There is a massive abundance of goods that end up in landfills. With such abundance of goods, no one should be deprived."
Visitors will have to leave an unwanted item of theirs and take another to collect the installation catalogue. The installation will be monitored for this purpose. Designed with Wi-Fi light technology for agility training, the interactive floor in the entrance will be controlled by the visitors through a tablet computer that will allow them to select the difficulty level.
The exposition offers a critical viewpoint to the contemporary gallery-mediated commercial environment by making reference to the non-monetary economies of artistic and cultural production.
Art "is an instrument of war for attack and defense against the enemy". The enemy is whoever exploits their fellows out of egoism or personal interest (Pablo Picasso).
With summary and questions about David Murakami Wood's article "The Global Turn to Authoritarianism", 'Surveillance and Society', (15), 3/4, 2017: 357-370.
recent publications
The Music Producer as Artistic Co-creator
Morten Büchert
In my artistic research project, I embarked on an exploration of the continuum between the roles of a music producer as both facilitator and initiator. Through in-depth engagement with real-world scenarios in professional music production, I examined the dynamics and nuances of how these roles negotiate, intersect, and shape the final artistic outcomes. This investigation not only unveils the intricate processes that underpin music creation but also highlights the implications these negotiations have on the resulting works of art. The findings shed light on the subtle artistry embedded in production decisions and offer a fresh perspective on the evolving landscape of music production.
Laura Adel
Interactive environment based on Kinect Azure sensor where the participant draws shapes of his body. When the time passes, the frozen still images of their movemnt go higer.