The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Disruptive media, sonorities and aesthetics: Listening panels (2024) Ramona Rodríguez-López
Each technology exerts a change in the acoustic environment. The development of mobile phones has expanded the space-time limits of sound and the ability to interfere in the forms of socialization and relationship with places. In addition to reproducing the voice, these devices promote multilayer listening that adds ringtones, notifications, alerts, and any sound generated by applications or accessible through the Internet. This research aims to study contemporary listening mediated by mobile phones, analyzing the disruptive effect generated by their sounds and listening through loudspeakers or buzzer speakers, technical means that articulate sonorities, and acoustic perceptions that limit information and add noise. The methodology used is hybrid. It focuses mainly on Arts-Based Research with experimental practices that explore techniques, materials, and media, as well as qualitative methods that provide points of view and opinions, fieldwork recording sounds, and pedagogy toward designing strategies that encourage other listening perspectives. The results materialize in pieces and panels in the form of installations that show different models of mobile phone loudspeakers, highlighting their aesthetic, technical, and symbolic aspects. The panel contains loudspeakers placed on sound-absorbing acoustic foam, and the listening sound soundscapes as maps that connect to the idea of the typical sound diversity of these devices (activated by sensors or buttons). Among other topics, the work deals with the archeology of the media and the precarious sounds that extend low-fidelity listening.
open exposition
Drawing Across x Along x Between x University Borders (2024) DRAWinU
CONFERENCE, UNIVERSITY OF PORTO. October 16, 17, 18th, 2024 :: Drawing Across :: Along :: Between University Borders considers the epistemological and transformative potential of drawing research to connect divergent areas in the university today. The conference focuses on drawing-based collaborations between art, science and society to tackle artistic, educational and societal challenges. We invite artists, scientists, educators, students, university policymakers and persons interested in inter-transdisciplinary practices across academia, research, and society to contribute and join the discussion in three possible directions: ACROSS - In what ways are drawing practitioners challenging the disciplinary strictures that often constrain thinking and acting across divergent areas in the university? ALONG - How can drawing activities be an ally of STEM education in the university, and how can STEM practices be an ally of drawing education? BETWEEN - How can drawing-based practices and STEM disciplines collaborate to address the urgency of societal challenges?
open exposition
CARCEREIRA II (2024) Ivan Santos Ferreira, Ana Beatriz Pinheiro Oliveira, Matilde Marques Moutinho da Costa Vinagre, Fabbio Augusto Savioli da Silva, Inês Juliana Silva Moura, Oceane Lourenco Ribeiro
Modo de trabalhar no projeto coletivo na plataforma RC: Owner do projeto de grupo é o Ivan, todos os outros são co-autores.
open exposition

recent publications <>

Creating an audiovisual performance through interdisciplinary collaboration (2024) Sanne Bakker
Research exposition of Sanne Bakker, as part of her master at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague. This research started with the aim of creating a better theoretical understanding and breaking down the creation process regarding the making of performances with lights. Ultimately, it became a reflection on the performative practice of a classical musician and the interdisciplinary collaboration while making an audiovisual performance. In particular, the process of the visualization of music. Through literary research into interdisciplinarity, audiovisual performances (specifically with classical music), and by doing a musical and narrative analysis through a case study of Paul Hindemith’s Sonate für Harfe, a theoretical framework is created for collaborative preparation with a visual artist and live experimentation. This research then shows the working process and the experiments that were conducted. It concludes with a reflection on the collaboration, the final product, and how playing the harp sonata in this audiovisual setting has affected the performance of the music.
open exposition
Stereotype of the Devil: SATANIC PANIC (2024) Jakub Pavlík
A visual study/moodboard/presentation of a certain conspiratorial and often delusional stereotype of the character of the devil in the context of what was known as "SATANIC PANIC" in the era of 80's and early 90's in the US. Even though many of these associations come mainly from the western world, they have been more or less understood and recognized as "devilish" across the world and in the visual culture. There is a certain stereotype about calling something "SATANIC". Labeling things, activities, clothing, art, products, people etc. as "devil worshipping" often isnt connected to any kind of worship what so ever. There is this re-accuring act of calling out something as "Satanic" often snowballing the situation into an idea of an active threat, thats dangerous to the public. The "SATANIC PANIC" era lead to over a 12,000 unsubstantiated cases of these so called "Satanic practices" and many people ended up in jail because of it. This Satanic labeling has become a parcipatory missinformation quest.
open exposition
I HAVE THE MOON: aesthetics of contemporary classical music from a composer-performer band retreat. (2024) Samuel Penderbayne
The artistic research project I HAVE THE MOON was an experimental group activity or 'band retreat' for five composer-performers resulting in a public performance in the aDevantgarde Festival, 2019, in Munich. Research was conducted around a central research question stated verbally at the outset of the project: how can aesthetic innovations of contemporary classical music be made accessible to audiences without specialist education or background via communicative techniques of other music genres? After a substantial verbal discussion and sessions of musical jamming, each member created an artistic response to the research question, in the form of a composition or comprovisation, which the group then premiered in the aDevantgarde Festival. The results of the discussion, artistic works and final performance (by means of a video documentation) were then analysed by the project leader and presented in this article. The artistic research position is defined a priori through the research question, during the artistic process in the form of note-taking and multimedial documentation, and a posteriori through a (novel) 'Workflow-Tool-Application Analysis' (WTAA). Together, a method of 'lingocentric intellectual scaffolding' on the emobided knowledge inside the creative process is proposed. Insofar as this embodied knowledge can be seen as a 'field' to be researched, the methodology is built on collaborative autoethnography, 'auto-', since the project leader took part in the artistic process, guiding it from within.
open exposition

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