The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

recent activities <>

CARCEREIRA II (2024) Ivan Santos Ferreira, Ana Beatriz Pinheiro Oliveira, Matilde Marques Moutinho da Costa Vinagre, Fabbio Augusto Savioli da Silva, Inês Juliana Silva Moura, Oceane Lourenco Ribeiro
"(...) a cidade (...) consiste somente de um lado de fora e de um avesso, como uma folha de papel, com uma figura aqui e outra ali, que não podem se separar nem se encarar", um lugar onde as partes, os contrastes e o movimento participam numa dança infindável. E é a busca pela compreensão da linha ténue entre o sim e o não, o claro e o escuro, o tudo e o nada, que dá nome ao nosso trabalho, Oppositions. “(…) the city (…) consists only of an outside and a reverse, like a sheet of paper, with a figure here and there, which cannot be separated nor face each other.”, a place where the parts, contrasts and movement participate in an endless dance. And it is the search for understanding the fine line between yes and no, light and dark, everything and nothing, that gives name to our work, Oppositions.
open exposition
Achromatic (simultan) (2024) Hanns Holger Rutz
This piece is a reworking of a sound installation from 2012 with a similar title, Unvorgesehen–Real–Farblos (Engl. "unforeseen, real, achromatic"). I am currently interested in the dynamics and consequences of coming back to existing pieces and reconfiguring them with new ideas, new context, or new algorithmic embeddings. What is lost, what enters, what is transformed by this operation. It is also an opportunity to try out things, and by giving a new title the old configuration is not superseded or made obsolete.
open exposition
ARTikulationen 2023 (2024) Jessica Kaiser, Jeremy Woodruff, Deniz Peters, Sara Kebe Cerpes
ARTikulationen 2023 is an artistic research event conceived and organised by the Doctoral School for Artistic Research (KWDS) of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG). It takes place at Theater im Palais, Graz, 04–07 October 2023. ARTikulationen interweaves in-depth presentations of very recent artistic research and findings, a festival character, and a mini-symposium – this year on matters of interdisciplinarity and interconnectedness of research practices with the (sound) environment, nature, and other living beings („Researching Across“).
open exposition

recent publications <>

SoundCape. Combating Environmental Noise in Urban Areas (2024) Sophie Luger, Lenia Mascha
Sophie Luger (Institute of Architecture) and Lenia Mascha (Institute of Architecture) address the increasingly important issue of urban noise pollution. "SoundCape. Combating Environmental Noise in Urban Areas" explores how sound and noise prevention can be incorporated into architectural design. To develop building structures for noise control in urban environments, the authors examine contradictory historical approaches from architecture and acoustics to learn about the relation of sound and material. Their approach focuses on geometry; experiments with Chladni patterns show that geometrical and material properties of architectural façades have an impact on spatial acoustics and result in the design of ornamental elements that can reduce unwanted noise in cities.
open exposition
A Collective Cycling Body Of Sound (2024) Bianca Ludewig, Magdalena Scheicher, Conny Zenk
Conny Zenk (Center Research Focus, PhD candidate PhD in Art), Bianca Ludewig (researcher and journalist) and Magdalena Scheicher (researcher) are interested in taking not only unusual paths but also using vehicles in different ways. In their contribution "A Collective Cycling Body Of Sound", they reflect on the bicycle as a medium for art and sound and present activist strategies of collective cycling to open up queer-feminist, solidarity-based perspectives on the city. In doing so, they explore the possibilities of public space as a sound space and discuss insights from Zenk’s activist practice. Inviting Ludewig and Scheicher for interviews, Zenk discusses bikefeminism and counterpublics, and approaches soundrides as a form of empowerment.
open exposition
Post-Digital Angst – The Direct Experience (2024) Mong Sum Leung
In his contribution "Post-Digital Angst – The Direct Experience", Mong-Sum Joseph Leung (Center Research Focus, PhD candidate PhD in Art) explores anxiety in the post-digital age, examining it as a basic anthropological condition in relation to concepts such as hollowness, nullity, and the unknown. Leung intertwines personal experiences from daily life with his artistic practice and ontological reflections on the human condition, working with Heidegger’s notions of Sorge and Angst, to reflect on affective experiences in a digitalized world.
open exposition

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