The Research Catalogue (RC) is a non-commercial, collaboration and publishing platform for artistic research provided by the Society for Artistic Research. The RC is free to use for artists and researchers. It serves also as a backbone for teaching purposes, student assessment, peer review workflows and research funding administration. It strives to be an open space for experimentation and exchange.

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Rediscovering the Interpersonal: Models of Networked Communication in New Media Performance (2024) Alicia Champlin
This paper examines the themes of human perception and participation within the contemporary paradigm and relates the hallmarks of the major paradigm shift which occurred in the mid-20th century from a structural view of the world to a systems view. In this context, the author’s creative practice is described, outlining a methodology for working with the communication networks and interpersonal feedback loops that help to define our relationships to each other and to media since that paradigm shift. This research is framed within a larger field of inquiry into the impact of contemporary New Media Art as we experience it. This thesis proposes generative/cybernetic/systems art as the most appropriate media to model the processes of cultural identity production and networked communication. It reviews brief definitions of the systems paradigm and some key principles of cybernetic theory, with emphasis on generative, indeterminate processes. These definitions provide context for a brief review of precedents for the use of these models in the arts, (especially in process art, experimental video, interactive art, algorithmic composition, and sound art) since the mid-20th century, in direct correlation to the paradigm shift into systems thinking. Research outcomes reported here describe a recent body of generative art performances that have evolved from this intermedial, research-based creative practice, and discuss its use of algorithms, electronic media, and performance to provide audiences with access to an intuitive model of the interpersonal in a networked world.
open exposition
אין עוד (2024) guy elhanan
בין עין חוד לעין הוד אין עוד. מופע דוקו-תיאטרלי
open exposition
a new kind of vaziri (2024) Puyain Sanati
In this exposition I’m showing you my journey for these past two years of investigating my artistic practice through the meeting of identity and aesthetics. Due to my Iranian background, I have felt a need and curiosity to bring together my Iranian and European identities. This project is a dialogue between myself and music, encompassing sounds, arrangements, physical presence, materiality, technology, context, and politics. By politics I mean; history, cultural appropriation, diversity, colonisation, beliefs, and the current needs of the western culture. A project involving confrontations with habits, default parameters, and elements within digital audio workspaces, thereby incorporating scales.
open exposition

recent publications <>

Post-Digital Angst – The Direct Experience (2024) Mong Sum Leung
In his contribution "Post-Digital Angst – The Direct Experience", Mong-Sum Joseph Leung (Center Research Focus, PhD candidate PhD in Art) explores anxiety in the post-digital age, examining it as a basic anthropological condition in relation to concepts such as hollowness, nullity, and the unknown. Leung intertwines personal experiences from daily life with his artistic practice and ontological reflections on the human condition, working with Heidegger’s notions of Sorge and Angst, to reflect on affective experiences in a digitalized world.
open exposition
Sustainable Behavior with Cultural Heritage: Study on Visitor Awareness (2024) Marie-Christine Pachler, Gabriela Krist
Gabriela Krist (Institute of Conservation) and Marie-Christine Pachler (Institute of Conservation) provide solutions for challenges in seemingly obvious everyday situations in their contribution "Sustainable Behavior with Cultural Heritage: Study on Visitor Awareness". This text provides insights and findings from a study of awareness-raising measures conducted at Schönbrunn palace. This site is particularly popular with tourists and must deal with the wear and damage of displayed objects. As conservators, the authors draw attention to the damage that visitors can cause, and examine different educational measures to improve awareness among tourists and staff members.
open exposition
I Can See Queerly Now. Queer Perspectives On Project Work (2024) Leo Hosp
Leo Hosp (Center Research Focus) widens our perspective through her contribution "I Can See Queerly Now. Queer Perspectives On Project Work", which is a reflection on queer working practices. Hosp intertwines her own experiences of queerness with insights from collaborative project work within the Action for Sustainable Future (ASF) hub. Hosp’s contribution refrains from defining queer research. Instead, it explores different aspects and approaches to deal with an inherently fluid term to propose a queer project work manifesto. Presented as a momentary insight into Hosp’s research, it is not to be understood as a finalized outcome but an open invitation.
open exposition

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