An inquiry into how my own reasearch fuled my current process. Yes, I have moved past my previously strict mthodology but my way of working was always intentionally flexibile. Did i follow my research methods?
For me
To gain a deeper understanding of my position as a maker by looking at theories within the form of scenography. Throughout the research, I have continuously trusted my intuition during all phases of working. The process of writing and formatting the research has allowed me to reflect on the reasoning behind this intuition. More importantly, writing has forced me to be honest. To effectively communicate my practice I needed to honestly ask myself "what and why am I doing this."
In summary, I hope you go away with an idea of the many possibilities in using scenography as a medium to communicate a mood and challenge the way we perceive the environment around us. This is what I enjoy doing, what drives me, gets me out of bed, and motivates me to be creative and talk about creativity.
If Cecilia was the "Little riding hood" the story would go like this:
She would approach the wolf and say: "Apparently, because the music plays more dramatically and the light is shading to red, you are about to eat me”.
- Aina Roca Mora
As a researcher, I want to share my methodology, the tools in the creative process.
As a scenographer, I want to challenge the way we perceive and look at the environment around us.
This imediately makes me laugh now because the entire reason behind this quote was due to my analysitcal miindset. a student of film and dance who through so much exposure can guess what happens next. An understanding of story stucture, character devleopment and visual/aural clues. This is what my past work in the masters has been based on .The fact that, I through my knowledge of film and dance can predicit what my spectaor might think or do lets me build my scenographic experiments based on this. Life is not a fim experiment and life is not predictable. It took the real issued hitting hard to home for me to adapt my creative practice.