On this page, you can find links to various master research presentations from the 2020 Master Research Symposium at the Royal Conservatoire, which had to be organised online due to the Corona crisis. In addition to the presentations, all students have also submitted (written) documentation in the form of an exposition or thesis, some of which can be found here. For the presentations of 2021, click here.
Some of the presentations are available publicly, whereas others are only available after logging into the Research Catalogue with an account that is linked to the Royal Conservatoire Research Portal. Please feel free to have a look!
Public presentations
Masako Awaji: Improvising variations on the spot
David Carmona Navarro: The language of jazz violinists applied to works of jazz-inspired composers
Ricardo Costa Oliveira: Theatrical Music for contemporary percussion
Laura Ginström: Singing and Well-being - The Experiences of Professional Choir Singers
Christina Kwon: 16th-Century Keyboard Tablature as Performance Notation: From Spanish and German Sources
Sara Maganzini: Sound identity of a wind band
Blanca Maria Martínez Vilanova: Simplicity of strong emotion: study on the performance style of Frederic Mompou
Dorota Matejová: The Limits of Traverso: Exploring the sound possibilities of traverso through contemporary music
Angelica Meza: A discourse on the basset horn between 1770 -1850 in Vienna and German-speaking countries
Oksana Mukosii: Viola speaks! Collaboration between violist and composer with the incorporation of electronics and the viola
Michele Pazzini: Composing with the view of a drummer
Juan Peralta Torrecilla: The All-in-One digital practice tool
Carlotta Pupulin: Angelical music: XV-XVII century music from the New World through the strings of the Spanish harp
Nicolas Roudier: The horn of Leutgeb and Mozart: investigation and experimentation
Kassandra Siebel: The effect of Mindfulness Meditation on Music Performance and Practice
Presentations available within the KC Research Portal
Aimée Hautvast: Gestures and their role in restoring a singer’s performance-focus
Anna Lachegyi: From the forest to the concert hall