Artistic research itself is a new format in Estonian academic field, there is no artistic research about extended or contemporary drawing or printmaking in Estonia(n) to be set as am example.
Robin Schaeverbeke with architecture background has written a dissertation about extended drawing, this strengthens the term I am using.
Different articles from artists are good to reflect on, for example contemporary drawing art magazine FUKT is a precious source of interviews with the artists from the same field.
Theoretical base comes from posthumanists inderdisciplinary texts: Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Tim Ingold and Alan Weisman, also Junaita Sundberg article gives a key of thinking, describing and writing.
Following references relate to posthumanities:
A. Lowenhaupt Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015
T. Ingold, Lines. London: Routledge, 2016
A. Weisman, The World Without Us. London: Virgin Books, 2008
J. Sundberg, Decolonizing Posthumanist Geographies. Cultural Geographies vol. 21 no. 1, pp 33–47
M. Marder, What Is Plant-Thinking? – Klesis – Philosophies de la nature, 2013, pp 124–143
Following references relate contemporary drawing:
FUKT #12–#18, Magazine For Contemporary Drawing , Berlin 2013–2019
R. Schaeverbeke, Extended drawing. Leuven: KU Leuven, 2016
Following references relate contemporary printmaking:
P. Coldwell, Hybrid practices within printmaking. – Journal of Visual Art Practice 2015, vol. 14, no. 3, pp 175–178
S. Harnad, Post-Gutenberg Galaxy: The Fourth Revolution in the Means of Production of Knowledge. – Public-Access Computer Systems Review 1991, no. 2 (1), pp 39–53
C. Kierulf, Printmaking and multiple temporalities. – Journal of Visual Art Practice 2015, vol. 14, no. 3, pp 179-191
A. Kierulf, Printmaking and Place. – Journal of Visual Practice 2015, vol. 14, no. 3, pp 192–202
E. Shemilt, Printmaking in the Post-Print Age: Critical and Creative Methods in the Context of Contemporary Art and Society. – IMPACT9: International Print Conference: Academic Papers/Illustrated Talks/Themed Panels. Hangzhou: China Academy of Art Press, 2015, pp 89–94
P. Thompson, Walking in the Garden of Forking Paths – Examining Notions of ‘Post‐Physical’ Printmaking in Digital Space. – IMPACT 8 Conference Paper, 2013.