Bibliography, References and Influences




>> Sound As An Object in Space - Tansy Spinks > here

>> Soundscape and Abstraction (language formed by environmental sound) > here

>> Places in Space > here

>> How Music Works, John Powell: The Science and Psychology of Beautiful Sounds, from Beethoven to The Beatles and Beyond > here

>> Performance Projections: Film and the Body in Action, Stephen Barber > here

>> Spaces Speak, Are You Listening?, Barry Blesser & Linda-Ruth Saltzer > here

>> Constructing Atmospheres: Test Sites for an Aesthetics of Joy, Margit Brünner > here

>> Hlysnan: The Notion and Politics of Listening, Berit Fischer > here

>> Acoustic Atmospheres, A Contribution to the Study of Ecological Aesthetics, . Bohme

>> Art as Experience – John Dewey
>> Sonic Interaction Design – Franinovic& Serafin
>> Constructing Atmospheres: Test Sites for an Aesthetics of Joy – Margit Brünner
>> Auditory Pathways & Sound Localization – David Heeger
>> Interfacing : Art, Research and the Creative Practictioner– Casey, Edmonds

>> Seeing Music Performance:  Visual Influences on Perception and Experience – Thompson, Graham, Russo

>> Does Visual Experience Influence the Spatial Distribution of Audible Attention? – Lerens, Renier

>> Soundscape and Abstraction: Exploring the Relationship Between Environmental Sound and Language – Leadley

>> Acoustic Ecology, Aesthetic Moralism and the Politics of Silence – Marie Thompson
>> The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
 •>> Performing Image - Isobel Harbison

Documentary:  Daphne Oram - Wee Have Also Sound-Houses  

Interview: Cristina Kubisch, pioneer of sound installation and electromagnetic composition, on her process behind her long-standing global project Electrical Walks - "the plan is for me like a composition, there should be interesting sounds to hear, but they should not all be the same" // "it should be interesting to look as well, you are not walking with your eyes closed"

Playlist:  An ongoing playlist of audio research collected on the SoundCloud platform, playlist curated by me, with approach from scenography

Documentary:  The Art of Nonfiction

Tutorial:  Cristobal Tapia DeVeer - Jessica Hyde for Dummies  

Tutorial:  Creating Instruments from Found Sounds

Featurette: Therese DePrez (1965 - 2017), production designer, about her process designing for Black Swan.  Beautifully, she speaks insight of her process in turning to nature for inspiration, getting away from her computer to find the "pallette" for the project.

Live set recording:  Olivia Block - Red Bull Studio

"Live performance clip from Olivia Block. Olivia Block is a media artist and composer. Her body of work includes sound recordings, audio-visual installations, performances, sound design for cinema, and scores for orchestra and chamber music concerts. In this experimental performance in celebration of Red Bull Music Festival Chicago, she makes all sound with the following: Organ, microcassette recorder, function generator/oscillator, laptop."

MiniDoc : LeGuess Who, Utrecht 2018 -   Robbie Cornellison (curator) and Lucrecia Dalt on Grasping the Spontaneity of Songwriting for Centraal Museum's "De LineUp"

"This sound piece that is going to be present there, is going to be like an extra layer to experience the exhibition. I guess what I’m doing is just to try and grasp the spontaneity of drawing."

Documentative Video:  DARKSIDE (Dave Harrington - multi-instrumentalist & Nicolas Jaar - cross-genre electronic music artist) perform with light piece created by Dutch duo Children of the Light.  I was lucky to catch this performance in Dublin.  The spinning circular mirror and varying light-sources & haze created a spectacular immersive experience in the crowd.  The performative elements were also amplified and heightened.  Very inspirational performativity. 

Documentary:  The Early Gurus of Electronic Music :

Providing me a root to how electronics expand and challenge the world and perception of audio
