Calling in the Experts

Creating space and time for live exchanges between teachers


Nomad Dance Academy - CODARTS


Agreements Team Teaching (Heidag Docent Dans 2-11)


1.               We are going to arrange fewer replacements in the near future, which will free up budget

2.              If you are going to 'co-teach', you can claim 1.5 hours for the lesson and 1.5 hours for preparation.= 3 hours. That is additional work. If you already have the lesson on your annual task, you do not submit an additional task for the lesson.

3.              A maximum of 3 visits to another person.

4.              At least 1 x at work for someone else.

5.              Please note: take the musical accompanists with you.

6.              Check the checklist for guidelines in how to do it

7.              If you are going to visit, you have to let Deborah (the co-ordinator) know so that she has an overview.

8.              In June on the away day we will share the outcomes.

Facilitating Adoption

Engaging and re-engaging from a vision

The importance of shared feedack moments

A close-up of a list of text

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Not forcing the issue


Not forcing the issue

Creating Connections