”When Hurricane Sandy roared into New York on October 29, it drove the waters around our city right up to, and then over, our doorstep. Forty-three people died in the deluge and untold numbers were injured. Along the shoreline the storm surge smashed buildings and engulfed entire communities. It flooded roads, subway stations, and electrical facilities, paralyzing transportation networks and causing power outages that plunged hundreds of thousands into darkness. Fires raged. Wind felled trees. Heartache and hardship—and at least $19 billion in damage—are the storm’s legacy.” (S. 12)
”An unpredictable series of meteorological phenomena combined to create this disaster— Sandy arrived during a full moon, when the Atlantic tides were at their highest; the storm was enormous and when it collided with other weather fronts, it turned sharply and made landfall in New Jersey.” (S. 12)
”Beaches and waterfront park facilities were hard-hit by storm surge, erosion, and coastal flooding, with two miles of scenic boardwalk destroyed primarily in the Rockaways as well as in Coney Island and on the East Shore of Staten Island.”
(S. 17)
NYC Goverment (2013) A Stronger, More Resilient New York (Hämtad 20200111)
”To protect New York City’s subway system, all transit shut down in advance of the storm. But then the under-river subway tunnels flooded, and the MTA had to convey to riders what was and wasn’t running.”
Hinds, Kate (2012) How NY's MTA Restored the Subway Map (Hämtad 20200507)
”He (Benjamin Cornell) established Rockaway Bath in 1816, beginning Rockaway’s life as a resort destination. Stagecoach lines brought wealthy people from Long Island out to Cornell’s Bath to take in the salt air.”
Levine, Lucie. 2018. From the ‘Queens Riviera’ to Robert Moses: The history of Rockaway Beach.
”Robert Moses played a larger role in shaping the physical environment of New York City than probably any other figure in the 20 century. He constructed parks, highways, bridges, playgrounds, housing, tunnels, beaches, zoos, civic centers, exhibition halls, and the 1964-65 New York World’s Fair.”
The New York Preseration Archive Project. Robert Mosesämtad 2020-03-18)
The Bowery Boys Podcast: #100 Robert Moses
Robert Moses: Did he save New York — or destroy it? (Hämtad 2020-03-18)
30 years of progress, 1934-1964 : Department of Parks : 300th anniversary of the City of New York : New York World's Fair.
(Hämtad 2020-03-18)
”New York City’s sanitary reforms of the 1890s were a significant because for the first time every street was cleaned and all neighborhoods had regular trash collection. Critical to the success of the reforms was a system of waste disposal. Since the 1850s, companies on Brooklyn’s Barren Island, in the western portion of Jamaica Bay, converted offal and animal carcasses into grease and fertilizer.” (Olsen s.1)
”Dead Horse Bay on the west side of the island was named for the many carcasses unloaded there. ” (Olsen s. 15)
Olsen, Kevin. 2015. What Do You Do With the Garbage? New York City’s Progressive Era Sanitary Reforms and Their Impact on the Waste Management Infrastructure in Jamaica Bay. (Hämtad 20200111)
”From the 1930s until the 1950s the island’s terrestrial footprint continued to grow as the city dumped its garbage into the bay and covered it with soil, thereby manufacturing new usable land. Moses oversaw much of this land reclamation project.”
”In the early 1950s, as entire city blocks were obliterated, the rubble of those houses was scooped up in toto and dumped into Dead Horse Bay.”
”For reasons that are still not entirely understood, Moses’ men did a horrible job of capping the fill for this particular project. As a result, now, some 70 years later, the archaeological remnants of those condemned households are reemerging along the shore.”
”A Prohibition era law made it illegal to refill or reuse any glass bottle. The law wasn’t repealed until 1964, so for decades New York City was flooded with single-use glass containers.”
Urbanus, Jason (2018) New York City’s Dirtiest Beach. Long-lost clues to the lives of forgotten New Yorkers are emerging from the sands at Dead Horse Bay. (Hämtad 20200210)
Chewin' out a rhythm on my bubble gum
The sun is out and I want some
It's not hard, not far to reach
We can hitch a ride
To Rockaway Beach
The Ramones
Bildtext: Majakovskij och David Burljuk på Rockaway Beach i New York i augusti 1925. (Jangfeldt 2007 s. 322)
Jangfeldt, Bengt (2007) Med livet som insats. Berättelsen om Vladimir Majakovskij och hans krets. Wahlström & Widstrand.
”I was at Rockaway Beach… I haven’t seen anything more repulsive than the buildings stuck on the shore there. I couldn’t live even for two hours in that kind of a Karelian cigarette case.” (Mayakovsky 1926/2005 s. 77)
Mayakovsky, Vladimir (1926/2005) My Discovery of America. London: Hesperus Press Limited.
”The square where Moscow’s most prominent monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky stands had its name returned to Triumphal Square in 1992, although everyone still calls it Mayakovka. It was officially Mayakovsky Square from 1935 to 1992.”
Freeman, John. 2014. Vladimir Mayakovsky on Triumphal Square, Moscow. (Hämtad 2020-03-25).
Rösthallucinationen: när ”någonting” betyder ”allting”.
Paranoian: när ”allting” betyder ”någonting”
Rösthallucinationen: när rösten ger ljud åt blicken
Paranoian: när blicken gör så att rösten ser.
Röstautograferna, 2019
”Några månader senare har Wolff lagt grunden till vad som skall bli Rörstrands Porslinsfabrik, detta tillsammans med en ägargrupp bestående av fem ledamöter av kommerskollegium samt ett femtontal andra ämbets- och köpmän. Kontraktet mellan Wolff och ägargruppen undertecknades den 13 juni 1726 och hade som rubrik: ’Assiations Contract emillan samtelige Intressenterne uti det swenska Porcellainswärket som kommer å stora Rörstrand efter det delfiska at inrättas’. ”
”fabriken (drabbas) också av en allvarlig brand på kvällen den 17 september 1925. Två av torkugnarna på vinden samt flera av målarsalarna ödelades i branden, detta tillsammans med stora lager av "äkta" porslin. Kort efter branden på hösten 1925, ser fabriksledningen ingen annan lösning än att konfrontera fackförbundet med de problem som fabriken står inför. De anställda måste sänka sina löner, det är en nödvändighet för fabrikens överlevnad. Facket säger nej och de anställda går istället ut i strejk med krav på högre löner.”
”Under Nyårshelgen 1925-26 kommer så beskedet om fabrikens nedläggning och i september 1926 går den sista arbetaren ut genom grindarna.”
Porsliner & Keramik – Stämplar & Signaturer (Hämtad 20200511)
”Today, those frosted, shimmery shards -- softened and smoothed by decades underwater -- are being sought by collectors, artisans and would-be archeologists. Bags of sea glass are sold by the pound on eBay. ”
”Sea glass may be something of an endangered commodity. In the 1960s, plastic began to replace glass in many consumer products; the 1970s recycling movement shamed citizens out of littering. Beaches are being rebuilt with imported sand that has no old glass fragments in it. Rising water levels are burying stocks of sea glass.”
Jura Koncius. 2005. Look What the Tide Brought In. (Hämtad 2019-10-23)
”After World War II, Berlin was nicknamed Carthago an der Spree for a reason. The many Allied bombardments, as well as the final Battle of Berlin, devastated around 10 percent of all buildings – equal to an estimated 60 million cubic meters of Trümmer (rubble).”
”At Prenzlauer’s border with Lichtenberg, five million m³ of rubble was dumped on 29
hectares of land – which was given the name Volkspark Prenzlauer Berg in 1969.”
de Visser, Joep (2012) Trümmerberge and Trümmerfrauen. Artificial hills and the likewise myth.
(Hämtad 2020-05-07)
”Våra hjärnor letar efter mönster i alla möjliga sammanhang, vare sig vi vill det eller inte. I botten av vår förståelse finns biologiska betingande mekanismer som kraftigt styr hur vi uppfattar omvärlden… Vi ser och hör genom de mönster som vi har tillägnat oss (Gärdenfors 2010 s. 137)
”Mönster får fäste när vi kommunicerar om dem med ord, bilder eller andra media. Det finns därför en stark koppling mellan vårt mönsterseende och språket. Mönster är det som ger innehåll åt de begrepp vi använde när vi sorterar världen.” (Gärdenfors 2010 s. 142)
”Liknelser (analogier och metaforer) kan vara kraftfulla verktyg för att skapa förståelse.” (Gärdenfors 2010 s.143)
Gärdenfors, Peter (2010) Lusten att förstå. Om lärande på människans villkor. Stockholm: Natur & Kultur.
”Whatever the adaptive reasons for our human love for patterns, we have been making them for a long time. Every decorative tradition includes the same limited set of pattern types, though sometimes there are cultural reasons for breaking symmetry or omitting certain types.”
Farris, Frank A. 2015. Patterns are math we love to look at (Hämtad 20191222)
”Apophenia is an error of perception: The tendency to interpret random patterns as meaningful. It can manifest itself in many different ways. Did someone say something in Hindi—meaningless sounds to a non-Hindi speaker--that sounded like English? … Pareidolia is visual apophenia. An example would be seeing the face of Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich, the Virgin Mary in a water stain on the subway wall, the Man in the Moon, or faces in the clouds.”
”Apophenia results from the evolution of human cognition: The ability to spot and recognize patterns-patterns that represent things to eat, things to avoid, or things with which to try and reproduce-is an adaptation with positive feedback for survival. Birds do it, bees do it, even uneducated fleas do it. Plants do it. Even one-celled microorganisms do it.”
Hoopes, John W. 2011. 11-11-11, Apophenia, and the Meaning of Life. (Hämtad 20200415)
"Jesusansiktet". Anonym svenk fotograf från slutet av 1800-talet.
”Every analogy contains both similarity and difference. Similarity is the connector, what holds two things together, and difference is what prevents them from being collapsed into one. In some analogies these qualities are balanced, but in others similarity far outweighs difference, or difference, similarity.” (Silverman 2015 s.11)
Silverman, Kaja (2015) The Miracle of Analogy or The History of Photography, Part 1. Stanford University Press
”Att månen egentligen är en del av jorden, men sakta försvinner allt längre bort, förklarar kanske varför vi människor känner så starkt för den.”
”Månen styr över allt levande. Den drar i tidvattnets trådar, drar och släpper, starkare än någonting annat.”
”Allt pekar alltså på att månens huvudsakliga funktioner ända sedan språkens begynnelse uppfattats som dessa: att mäta, och att lysa.”
Blennow, Anna. 2020. Månmätning (Hämtad 20200311)