Sonoqualia 2.0 has as its main objective the creation of musical experiences related to pictorial works housed in museums of Madrid. It is aimed at people with visual disabilities, but the methodology can be in subsequent phases, applied to be experienced by people without disabilities, considered as an expanded and independent aesthetic experience. The project, is conceived as a 5-week workshop in which the participants work in groups, assisted by technicians who facilitate them the access to sound-composition software. The result is the creation of sound pieces with a duration around 2 minutes made by the participants.


The version described here is the second one, carried out in collaboration with the Territorial delegation of the ONCE Foundation for Cooperation and the Social Inclusion of the Disabled in Madrid, where we worked with two groups of people with varying degrees of visual impairment, corresponding to the age ranges of adults and seniors. This project has been the beneficiary of an Aid for the Artistic Creation of the city Council of Madrid 2017 and so far, two editions of it have been made.