Reference list of literature.


Cocker, E (2013). Tactics for not knowing. In Fischer, E., Fortnum, R., Jones, R., Warstat, A., Siukonen, J., Barlow, P., Peters, G., Kiaer, I., Atkinson, D., Boyce, S. (2013). On not knowing: How artists think. ( 126-135). Londen: Black Dog.

Deleuze, G., Guattari, F.(1988) A thousand plateaus, New York: The Athlone Press


Deleuze, G., & Parnet, C. (2007). Dialogues II. New York: Columbia University Press.

Deleuze, G., & Patton, P. (2014). Difference and repetition. London ; Oxford ; New York ; New Delhi ; Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic.

Fournier, M (2014) Lines of Flight. TSQ, 1 (1-2). 121-122.

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