Placed Sounds Displaced

Sound as a practice between

Art, Architecture & Design







IanniX, open source graphic sequencer:

UPISketch, by Centre Iannis Xenakis:


Spectral Analysis realised on the software Sonic Visualiser developed at Queen Mary University of London:

C. Cannam, C. Landone, and M. Sandler (2010): Sonic Visualiser: An Open Source Application for Viewing, Analysing, and Annotating Music Audio Files, in Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2010 International Conference.


Auralisation models realised in EVERTims , an open source framework for real-time auralization in architectural acoustics and virtual reality:
S. Laine, S. Siltanen, T. Lokki, and L. Savioja (2009): Accelerated beam tracing algorithm, Applied Acoustics, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 172-181

M. Noisternig, B. Katz, S. Siltanen, and L. Savioja (2008): Framework for real-time auralization in architectural acoustics”, Acta Acustica United with Acustica, vol. 94, no. 6, pp 1000-1015

Room analysis realised on REW, an open source software for room acoustics measurement and analysis



Augoyard J.-F. & Torgue H. (eds.) (2006), Sonic Experience. A Guide to Everyday Sounds, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal, 216 p.

Michael Bull (2012): The Audio-Visual iPod, in Jonathan Sterne (ed.) The Sound Studies Reader. New York, Routledge

John Cage (1937): The Future of Music: Credo; in: Silence: Lectures and Writings. Wesleyan University Press. 1961

Janet Cardiff (2005): The Walk Book, Edited by Thyssen_Bornemisza Art Contemporary

Luc Ferrari (2002): Les Anecdotiques – Exploitation des Concepts n°6

Évelyne Gayou (2008): Une porte d’entrée dans la musique électroacoustique de Luc Ferrari. Notes on CD edition, Luc Ferrari: L’œuvre électronique. INA-GRM 2009

Sharon Kanach (2006): Iannis Xenakis, Musique de l'architecture. Parenthèses

Michael Kirby, Richard Schechner (1965): An Interview with John Cage, TDR (Tulane Drama Review), 10, n°2, p. 65.

Alvin Lucier (1979): Careful Listening is More Important than Making Sounds Happen, 1979. In: Caleb Kelly (ed.) Sound. Documents of Contemporary Art. Whitechapel Gallery, MIT press, Cambridge

Francisco López (2019): Sonic creatures

Francisco López, Catalogue Prix Ars Electronica 2002, Description of his piece Buildings [New York].

Brunhild Meyer (1994): Le dit des Presque Riens / The known as Almost Nothing: 

Raymond Murray Schafer (1977) : The Tuning of the World. McClelland and Steward, Toronto, 301 p.

Max Neuhaus (1992), Notes on Place and Moment, in Max Neuhaus: Sound Works, vol. 1

Mats Nilsson et al. (2010): Auditory masking of wanted and unwanted sounds in a city park. Noise Control Engineering Journal, 58(5), 524-531

Luigi Russolo (1913):L’arte dei rumori, manifesto

Monica Sand, Ricardo Atienza: Perspektiv på Levande urban radio (LUR) / Perspectives on Live Urban Radio (LUR), In Sand (ed.) Forskning i centrum, Arkitektur- och designcentrum, Stockholm. ISBN: 978-91-87447-02-0

Pierre Schaeffer (1966): Traité des objets musicaux. Ed. Seuil, Paris


Sound pieces

by the author,

Personnes trouvées (2013), Sergels torg, Stockholm. A part of LUR, Live Urban Radio by Atienza and Sand.

Playing the Space. A city Walk, Audio CD (2016), in collaboration with Monica Sand.

Player Piano Player, Art project (2018-19), in collaboration with Pavel Matveyev.

by other artists,

Janet Cardiff (1991-2014): Audio walks

Luc Ferrari (1967-70): Presque Rien n.1 ou le lever du Jour au Bord de la Mer (Presque Rien No. 1 or day raise at the edge of the sea).CD edition, Luc Ferrari: L’œuvre électronique. INA-GRM 2009

Luc Ferrari (1991): L’escalier des aveugles. CD edition, Luc Ferrari: L’œuvre électronique. INA-GRM 2009

Hanna Hartmann (2002): Färjesånge. Elektron, Sweden

Pierre Henry (1963):Variations pour une porte et un soupir.CD edition: Musique Française d'Aujourd'hui. Harmonia Mundi, 1987

Francisco López (2001): Buildings (New York). V2_Archief.

Alvin Lucier (1969): I'm sitting in a room, for voice and electromagnetic tape:

Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster, Panaiotis (1989): Deep Listening, Suiren

Alain Savouret. Sonate Barroque (1974). CD edition. Chrysopée électronique - Bourges

Pierre Schaeffer (1948): Cinq études de bruits

Barry Truax, Earth & Steel, 2013 The Elements and Beyond (CD). Cambridge Street Records CD.

Iannis Xenakis (1958): Concret PH, piece realised for Brussels Expo'58 Philips Pavilion

Iannis Xenakis (1971): Persépolis, piece for the 2500 anniversary celebration of Irans foundation.

Iannis Xenakis (1977-78): Diatope, piece celebrating the opening of Centre Pompidou, Paris. La Legende d'Eer, electroacoustic composition for Diatope.


Magazzino Brancaccio, a space devoted to contemporary art, experimental music and performance: