Artist, concept, programming:
Øyvind Brandtsegg
Additional programming:
Øystein Molnes
Bernt Isak Greve Wærstad / Pipa lydbyrå
Technical production advice (as always):
Robin Støckert / Soundscape Studios
Graphics design and animation for the app:
Gustav Espenes / Klipp og Lim
Mapping Authority / Svalbard
Moritz Sieber
Geir Mathiassen
Åsmund Skjæveland
Carl Petter Nielsen
Mapping Authority / Hønefoss
Einar Gautun
Knut Stanley Jacobsen
Anne Strand
Line Langkaas
May Jorun Hæhre Støa
Frode Koppang
Reidun Kittelsrud
Anne Jørgensen
Max Planck Institute of Radio Astronomy
Alessandra Bertarini
Alan Roy
Richard Porcas
The work was commissioned by Public Art Norway (KORO)
Merete Røstad, curator
Elisabeth Tetens Jahn, senior adviser