Student No: 3213013
Main Subject: Classical Piano
Main Subject Teacher: David Kuyken
Research Coach: Dr. Inês de Avena Braga
Circle Leader: Wim Vos
Chosen Format of Documentation: Research Exposition
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For this project, Lien Baelde and I created a choreography based on "La Soiree dans Grenade" by C. Debussy. In order to prepare the choreography, I made an approach to the connection between music and dance and I analyzed the harmony and sctructure of the piece. The objetive of the research is to see how my playing changes while working “La Soireé dans Grenade” with a dancer. To answer this question, I compare a recording before and after working with the dancer. This research concludes that mixing arts in the learning process has benefits in my playing, adding flexibility and tempo control.
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Student No: 3213013
Main Subject: Classical Piano
Main Subject Teacher: David Kuyken
Research Coach: Dr. Inês de Avena Braga
Circle Leader: Wim Vos
Chosen Format of Documentation: Research Exposition