Bb Clarinet

Bb Flügelhorn


Bb Soprano Sax

Eb Alto Sax

Eb Baritone Sax

Bb Trumpet

Bb Trombone

Bb Bass Clarinet

Bb Tenor Sax

☞ P A R T  1            Instruments

1. Instrument and vocal information

1.1 Transposition................................................................................

The following list I adopted from the book Modern jazz Voicings for Small and Medium Ensembles by Ted Pease and Ken Pullig. I reduced the vocal parts, which were targeting all vocal ranges, to the one of my own.


When writing for a horn section it is of course a necessity to have knowledge about the transpositions of every instrument. In Figure 2 you will find the transposition of all the 10 instruments I will use in my research.

1.2 Ranges.................................................................................................................


In the Figure 3 you’ll find an overview of the ranges of the instruments.

Figure 3 Instrument Range2

2 An overview I made from the information I got from the book “Modern Jazz Vocings, arranging for small and medium endembles” by Ken Pullig and Ted Pease.


Up a major 9th

Up a major 2nd

Up a major 2nd

Up a major 2nd

Up a major 6th


Up a major 9th

Up a major 13th

Up a major 2nd


1.3 Instrument theory.............................................................................................


In Figure 4 you will find an overview of the sound characteristics, extracted from the book Modern jazz Voicings for Small and Medium Ensembles by Ted Pease and Ken Pullig. This information is very useful when choosing the instruments for your group. 

Figure 4 Instrument theory, adapted from the book “Modern Jazz Vocings, arranging for small and medium endembles” by Ken Pullig and Ted Pease.