For their long lasting study of the music of Luigi Nono and generous insights into Nono’s creative thinking I wish warmly to thank Nuria Schoenberg Nono (Foundation Archivio Luigi Nono), André Richard (Experimental Studio of the SWR Freiburg), Jürg Stenzl (University of Salzburg), Wolfgang Motz (Musikhochschule Freiburg), and Erika Schaller (Foundation Archivio Luigi Nono AD). For his support toward the making of the Critical Edition I am thankful to Peter Dejans (Orpheus Institute Ghent). For their active engagement and support of the performance of the orchestral version I’m sincerely thankful to Peter Rundel, Harry Vogt (WDR), Helmut Lachenmann, and Giovanni Morelli (to whom my orchestration is posthumously dedicated).
I would like warmly to thank my colleagues Juan Parra and Paolo Giudici for their generous help and steady collaboration in the making of this exposition. Juan Parra did all the audio and video recordings, while Paolo Giudici contributed to the final layout of the pages and kindly gave me permission to use his series of photographs Venexia (2004). For the technical realisation of the replica of the tape I am deeply thankful to João Rafael (Freiburg). Thank you also to Michael Schwab, Valentin Gloor, Bob Gilmore, and Lucia D’Errico for their constructive critical remarks, which improved the final result. I also would like to thank Peter Dejans (director of the Orpheus Institute) and all ORCiM fellows for their long-lasting dialogue on music and artistic research – in a way they all contributed to this exposition.
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement n. 313419.