
Since the submitting my application, and in lieu of a proposed radicalisation my reseach and experimentation has evolved to include exploring the application of interfaces that are further removed from improvisation in music. This is to both present improvisation to non-musicians, as well as to further extend the idea of listening as improvising by blurring the line between performer and audience. Experimentations using video game controllers and the web browser have been a way to include everyday items, also imbued with pre-programmed interfaces, into an improvisational method.

I have a particular attraction what have been defined by others as the fraglie moments in music that improvisation is trying to find. Or as it was put to me in the proposal for radicalisation "a moment of disorientation in which your instrumental practice becomes evident and not sublimated". I want to further find ways to destabilise my preconceptions, and to involve more actors in the search for these fragile moments.

{function: response, keywords: [interface, improvisation, disorientation, fragility]}

meta: true
date: Jun-2018
author: Max Franklin
event: Thresholds



Max Franklin

Max Franklin is a musician and digital artist based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His work investigates the act of improvisation within music, and the agencies it can provide within software and politics. Max is completing his final year of a Master's in Experimental Publishing at the Piet Zwart institute where he is focussing his research on the fragile nature of improvisation in music with software. This line of inquiry has developed since his graduation from a bachelor's in Music majoring in Jazz Performance and minoring in Creative Sound Engineering at the Conservatorium of Sydney in Australia.

{kind: biography, persons: Max Franklin}
