I would like to use these lines to thank all those who have been important to me during the last three years in The Netherlands.
First of all to my family, for their unconditional encouragement and motivation since the beginning of this adventure. Without them, I would not be what I am today.
Second of all, to Saray, for her patience and endless support in every decision I take.
To my friends, David, Samuel, Elisha, Diego, Clara, and José Manuel, wonderful people who heard me answering “No, he is not related with Isaac Albéniz” for the last two years and are still there.
To my research supervisors, Karst and Bart, for their time, advice and comprehensive knowledge during the process.
To Blake, Abby and Rosa, because without your help and dedication this research would not turn out like this.
Lastly, to my main subject teachers, Petra and David, because your self-demand and enthusiasm are characteristics I would like to have in my professional life.