I have moved through a sensory awareness of thinking, mattering and meaning-making for the sake of vocal expression. Images have been sedimented and placed as variations and ornaments in a similar way as a practicing musician would have done in a rehearsal situation. The stories of SKULDA and JEREMIAH have allowed me to intra-actively play freely with words and their irrational contexts Always in relation to thoughts and theories. As a concluding remark I can confirm that a process is about moving through mattering; it is about senstivity for relationary moments when light appears and suddenly everything becomes chrystal clear. The practie-led art of singing can be straight forward, but also, as this intra-acting exposition suggests, its can be a messy and irrational practice constructed through entangled contradictions and artistic absurdities. At this point I can only say: allow this exposition to inspire your curiosity for the im/possibilites of vocality and for further research into vocal experiences and vocal expression.