
From the very beginning of European philosophy in ancient Greece the relation between philosophy and arts has been highly problematic. On the one hand we find “artist-philosophers” like Plato or Nietzsche, whose philosophical investigations used artistic practices to demonstrate their thoughts; on the other hand philosophy has been extremly hostile to such practices, especially since Plato himself banned a wide range of arts from his ideal state ruled by philosophers. Philosophers, since then, have often even opposed arts, claiming that they were doing science (reasoning) rather than “art”––which they equal with “poetry”, based on fiction and pure imaginations.

Through his conception of the “Künstlerphilosoph” (artist-philosopher), Nietzsche probably questioned this Socratic image of philosophy most profoundly, since this conceptual persona longs for a new kind of post-Socratic “philosophers to come” who are ready to do philosophy in an almost “anti-Platonic” manner by precisely crossing-over the disciplines of arts and science. Not to mind their gap, but in order to find a new (anti-Platonic) relation between philosophy and arts that will produce a different kind of philosophy and new forms of philosophy-based art in the end.

In accordance with this historical demand, our PEEK-project aims to develop a research performance in which philosophy is methodologically and conceptually demonstrated as a matter of arts-based research rather then a “pure” science.

This aim has been realized by organizing a research-festival “SCORES No 10 // PHILOSOPHY ON STAGE #4” at Tanzquartier Vienna, in the context of which artists, philosophers and scientists collaborated to demonstrate on stage their theoria on the Artist Philosopher both in a scientific and an artistic manner. Thereby they had to demonstrate anwers to research questions such as: What happens to the traditional image of philosophy and arts, once philosophers and artists are called to stage their thoughts and implement arts-based research practices for the demonstration of their ideas? Can Nietzsche’s notion of the artist-philosopher help us to understand what performing philosophy as a kind of arts-based research could mean?

This project is carried out in close co-operation between the University of Applied Arts Vienna, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (MRS), University of Bremen, University of Surrey, Zurich University of Fine Arts and Tanzquartier Vienna.





The PEEK-Project “Artist-Philosophers. Philosophy as Arts-Based Research” [AR 275-G21] is sponsored by the Austrian Science Funds [FWF] and situated at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.

Principle Investigator: Arno Böhler, University for Applied Arts Vienna and University of Vienna in co-operation with Tanzquartier Wien.

Additional co-operation partners: Jens Badura, Laura Cull, Susanne Valerie Granzer, Walter Heun, Alice Lagaay, Post-Doc: Elisabeth Schäfer.







bodies (with)in fences

Intervention by Saskia Hölbling and Rotraud Kern

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26th, 20.30h in TQW / Halle G

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'oh Nacht, oh Schweigen, oh todtenstiller Lärm!' Eine performative Versuchsanordnung  mit Nietzsche und Wagner

Instant Composing by Karlheinz Essl and Agnes Heginger

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 20.45h in TQW / Halle G

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Opening Speeches by Arno Böhler (Principle Investigator of the project) and his Co-operationpartners: Susanne Valerie Granzer and Walter Heun; as well as Prof. Georg Stenger (Vice-Dean of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna) and Alexander Damianisch (University of Applied Arts / Support Artistic Research).

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26th, 18.00h in TQW / Halle G


Nietzsche et cetera. Kant in Analyse

Lecture Performance by Arno Böhler and Susanne Valerie Granzer

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26th, 20.45h in TQW / Halle G

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Über die Unruhe der Körper und der Bilder

Lecture Performance by Sandra Noeth, Kamal Aljafari and Susanne Valerie Granzer 

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26th, 21.30h in TQW / Halle G

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1000 Nietzsche - Eine Performance(-Skizze) für alle und keinen

Intervention by Rainer Totzke and Simone Weißenfels

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26th, 22.15h in TQW / Halle G

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Sounds by Wolfgang Miterer and Franz Hautzinger

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 16.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Club der toten Philosoph_innen: Butler, Kant, NIetzsche, Spinoza

Performance by Anna Babka, Violetta Waibel, Volker Gerhardt and Robert Schnepf; Moderation: Richard Heinrich

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 21.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Nietzsche Songs

Performance by Matthias Vieider

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 0h in TQW / Studio 2

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Nietzsche6: The Weight of Music

Lecture-Performance by Paolo de Assis, Michael Schwab and Collective ME21

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 20.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Ecce Homo

Lecture-Performance by Corinna Kirchhoff and Wolfgang Michael

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 21.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Friedrich Bitterli

Lecture-Performance by Milli Bitterli

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 22.20h in TQW / Halle G

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Cicadas don't sleep / Zikaden schlafen nicht

Performance by Veronica Lion, Sarah Mendelsohn and Birgit Michlmayr

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 0h in TQW / Studio 1

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Der Übermensch

Performance by Samuel Nyholm and Class

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 0h in TQW / Studio 2

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Über Wahrheit und Lüge im außermoralischen Sinne

Performance by Peter Stamer and Frank Willens

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 29th, 11.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Twisted Nietzsche

Permanent Installation by Brian Massumi and Erin Manning

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26-29th in TQW / Studios

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Nietzsche -,wie?

Performance by Sublimes. Philosohieren von unten.

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 11.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Intervention by Bernadette Anzengruber

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 15h in TQW / Halle G

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Rettung des Zufalls

Intervention by Daniel Aschwanden, Conny Zenk and Matthias Hurtl

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 16h in TQW / Halle G

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verwickeltes Denken

Lecture by Jens Badura

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 19.15h in TQW / Halle G

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Creative movement, creative Thought. The dancing philosopher

Lecture-Performance by Diana Marià Acevedo Zapata

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 0h in TQW / Studio 1

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No Pain. No Gain

Performance by Kollektiv Philosophy Unbound

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 23h in TQW / Studio 2

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Nietzsche -, wie? (Part 2)

Lecture-Performance by Sublimes. Philosophieren von unten.

Nietzsche und Physics

Lecture by Tanja Traxler

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 11.30h in TQW / Halle G

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"Der Thäter' ist zum Thun bloß hinzugedichtet (...)" A Playful and Interactive "Performance Philosophy" Intervention on Subjectivity, Intentional Action and Meaning in a Post-Nietzschian Universe

Part 1: From 'Negative Performance' to the Concept of Performing 'Creative Indifference'

Lecture by Alice Lagaay

Part 2: Performing Creative Indifference

Performance by Theater der Versammlung and Jörg Holkenbrink

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 15h in TQW / Halle G

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Nietzsche und Ich. Und Du und das Pferd und die Gruppe

Intervention by Anna Mendelssohn

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 18.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Socrates on Stage

Lecture by Martin Puchner

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 19h in TQW / Halle G

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Of Sound in the Landing Page

Sound-Performance by Hester Reeve, Wolfgang Mitterer, Franz Hautzinger, Graham Parks and Georg Stenger

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 28th, 22h in TQW / Halle G

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Performance by Audience Corpus

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 29th, 13h in TQW / Halle G

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Nietzsche Walk

Walking-Performance by Laura Cull and Tess Denman-Cleaver

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26-29th, Additional Event in TQW / Halle G, Foyer and Museumsquartier Area

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Nachahmnungsbewegungen_F.N. erschreiben

Writing Performance by Manora Auersperg

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26-29th in TQW / Studios

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Nietzsches Dionysos / Nietzsche Diagrams

Lecture by Dieter Mersch and Nikolaus Gansterer

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 26th, 18.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Unzeitgemäße Betrachtungen

Performance by Nicolaus Ofczarek and Choir of the Max Reinhardt Seminar

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 29th, 12.30h in TQW / Halle G

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Being There. There is no App for that

Intervention by Graham Parks and Helen Parks

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 15.15h in TQW / Halle G

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Nightshift. Nietzsche Politics

Performative Discussion by Eva-Maria Aigner, Maxim Kares, Martin und Stefanie Schlögl, Tanja Traxler und Elisabeth Schäfer; Moderation: Gabrielle Cram

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 23h in TQW / Studio 1

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Out there is a field

Intervention by Barbara Kraus

Philosophy on Stage #4 // PEEK Project "Artist-Philosophers" [AR 275-G21]

Novermber 27th, 18.45h in TQW / Halle G

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