Why Makersdag...
As a 2nd year MA Scenography student the Makersdag would provide a vital opportunity to test my scenographic experiments on a wider audience, and to connect my practice within a wider network of artists. As I am currently working on my final research project, feedback is vital for me to develop my work. Makersdag means I would be able to showcase my work to a wide network of people working across the arts and theatre and connect with artists who I may like to collaborate with in the future. For these reasons the opportunity to show at Makersdag would be an enriching opportunity for me.
The spectators are then invited inside a white prismic space of 10 x 5m.
This is a ritual space using subtle sensory experiences to create intensified feeling,
Behind a translucent screen out-of-focus shadows morph into recognisable forms.
As these forms dance and twist they push themselves against the screen and their true form is revealed…a skeleton of a leaf, a heap of moss, a gnarled branch.
Are we on the outside looking in or are we inside looking out?
Project Outline
In order to dissolve the divide between human and nonhuman we must look again at what we thought we knew.
I want to question whether 'Nature' exists only outside the window, or whether it is within us too.
In what way do we look at nature? How do we cast our gaze upon the nonhuman?
I want to create a space in which these questions resound.
The performance
6 people at a time enter the room and must first place their phones on the altars to gain access to 3 prayer stools which uphold optical illusions.
Who I would invite...
I would like to invite Andrea Bozic because of my interest in how she shifts an audience's attention to become more aware of their situation within the environment. I am especially interested in how she collaborates with natural elements (the night sky, the weather) as well as a wide network of artists. Her distribution of authorship inspires me use unconventional methods to readress the balance between human and nonhuman.