Video and audio documentation of the sonic sculpture Pulse by Teemu Lehmusruusu.
Indoor installation view at the Polyphonic Landscapes exhibition held at Het Glazen Huis, Zone2Source, Amsterdam, 2023.
Read more about the project in the APRIA journal article 'On Pulse – Mapping human-soil relations through art.'
Pulse was commissioned by Zone2Source and the Professorship Theory in the Arts at the ArtEZ University of the Arts within the Polyphonic Landscapes project 2022–2024.
I am thankful for the collaboration with Aalto ARTS workshop masters Kalle Jalava & Slate Grove, Lasismi’s Kaappo Lähdesmäki, and Markus Heino and Stephen Stamper for technical assembly and coding.
The production is part of Teemu Lehmusruusu’s doctoral research at Aalto University, Finland.