de-shamed rhizomatic sex dream

articles and essays



anti-capitalist sex

Oppresive systems go hand in hand with each other (patriarchy, white supremacy, capitalism). It is creating of the capital and availability to being exploited that are the reasons for monogamous "traditional" families supremacy. To control and rule over something organised and labeled - such as mononormative family type - seems easier than to try the same with an unconventional and unpredictable way of human bonding. Anti-capitalist sex is free from any mononorms. It leads to nothing other than pleasure itself and slips away from being labeled - resulting in it being not for sale. There is no specific way to describe anti-capitalist sex, because the only limit to quantity, quality and overall form is imagination. 


Any consensual sexual act shared between people. What we perceive as sexy/sexual is our free choice. 


Assuming that monogamy is the norm and any other relationship structures are alienated.

relationship escalator

Mononormative way of a relationship dynamic. An accurate and most common example of relationship escalator would be:

dating --> relationship --> moving in together --> marriage --> child


Transhuman rhizome, the essence of human being put into a rhizomatic shape.


To de-shame is to let myself put all my insides outside. It is to tell apart my actions that occur due to shame - from actions that are vulnerable and unprotected with shame's coat. Actions that are full of pride or joy.

It is also to become friends with my own shame, to just let it be - in the end shame wants to protect me, but sometimes it misinterprets the actual situation.



If we use that word towards someone, it is probably bacause we are ashamed, not because someone is shameless. Shame is always there - we can only choose whether we want to hide it or to learn from it. 

fluid bonding

The exchange of bodily fluids during unprotected sexual acts.




process of de-shaming myself

Amelia Pelc-Gonera


Sunny day and I’m walking down the street

You pass me by, whistling very softly 

Too stunned to speak

I’m left with „what if” 


What if you…

What if I…


Not tonight… 


So the next day comes 

Friday - I think it was Friday 

I’m 40 minutes away from your sound 

On the other side of the city 

Smoking cigarettes with friends 

Feeling pretty 

And I hear the whistling

No way! - someone would’ve said

I look up - see you and think - no way! 


That’s a sign

I say hi 

You say hi 

I tell you about the coincidence 

And you act with pure confidence 


  • I’m leaving tomorrow, but let’s keep in touch
  • Okay! What’s your name? 
  • Emilio 
  • Ohhh, you won’t believe that…
  • What? 
  • I’m Amelia 


So we keep in touch 

Meet few months later 

You sit at my table and read me a poem from a book I showed you a moment ago 

My heart falls for that 

We’re making love

Next day you say goodbye 


Another year goes by 

We write each other beautiful letters

I feel safe, cause no one ever treated me that way 


You’re back to the city, so we meet again 

With love in my heart I invite you once more 

You drink 



Three glasses of wine

Maybe four

But it’s fine 


We lay down on my bed 

You go inside me and I’m starting to break

You’re down to play 

But I’m not 

Please, slow down

You don’t 


My screams of pain

Covered with your screams of joy

I’m drowning in tears

You’re all in sweat 

Not knowing what rape is

It’s hard to tell a threat  


That night a subtle whistle of love 

Turned to a whisper of death


Fuck you Emilio 








work ideas


Performance - group of people standing in a rhizomatic network, spitting to one anothers' mouths. Fluid bonding. Human Fountain. Sexual act and dom/sub roleplay in which the roles are getting mixed.



Two people standing in front of each other. Person A holds person B on a leash and person B is holding person A on a leash. They're both doms and subs at the same time.









visual rhizoman research

inspiration for more and more depths in visual research

(click the picture to watch the movie)